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» Statement on Override Vote on President’s Veto of Intelligence Authorization Bill, March 11, 2008
...during the current administration, we have seen the line blurred between legitimate, sanctioned interrogation tactics and torture. and there is no doubt our international reputation has suffered and been stained as a result...
» Statement on the House Passing Ethics Reform, March 11, 2008
..because the people thought changes were necessary in this house. the people asked for change...
» On Bloomberg’s “Money & Politics”, March 10, 2008
discussing the Democratic budget, economic stimulus, and earmarks.
» On CNBC’s Squawk Box on the House Addressing the New Federal Budget, March 06, 2008
...it is a question of rejecting a budget which was sent to us by the President, which suggested deep cuts in health care for seniors, deep cuts for health care for veterans. deep cuts in law enforcement in our country...
» Statement on the • The Paul Wellstone Mental Health and Addiction Equity Act, March 05, 2008
I strongly support this long overdue bipartisan legislation to end discrimination against patients seeking treatment for mental illness.
» Investments in Renewable Energy Today Will Increase Our Security Tomorrow, February 27, 2008
...our great nation must make critical investments today in the development of clean renewable energy and energy efficiency...
» Discussing FISA on Bloomberg, February 15, 2008
...just to make sure there is no misunderstanding, we will not, for the directives in place, the expiration of the Protect America Act will not then shave back on the surveillance authorities under those exact directives. In other words, all of the authorities presently in place will remain in place, nothing will happen...
» Discussing FISA on The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer (PART 1 of 2), February 15, 2008
...so in other words, every authority in place under the protect america act will continue in being for at least a year...
» Discussing FISA on The NewsHour With Jim Lehrer (PART 2 of 2), February 15, 2008
...the difference will be that the administration for new authority may have to go to the FISA court and can get it, and can act before it gets it in an emergency...
» Press Conference with Leading House Democrats on FISA, February 15, 2008
...why? because they wanted to play, in my opinion, the politics of fear and brinksmanship...
» Floor Statement Reponding to False Republican Claims on FISA, February 14, 2008
...I'll tell my friends on the Republican side of the House, they know, as well as I do, that the reason the Senate did not pass us a bill three months after we passed our bill to them was because of Republican delay in the United States Senate...
» Statement on Contempt of Congress Citations, February 14, 2008
...the President who is forced to answer for his administration's actions, decisions, and conduct is a President who is less likely to amass power beyond that which the Constitution prescribes...
» Statement on Extending FISA Legislation, February 13, 2008
...we passed the statute which said to the telecommunications company, look, when we make phone calls they need to be private and you can't disclose those to people, including the government, without a court order...
» On CNBC's Squawk Box Discussing Last Night's State of the Union Address, January 29, 2008
one of the things that Mr. Bernanke, the head of the federal reserve, indicated to me in a long telephone conversation was, one of the things we don't want to do is to make the budget deficit and the debt even deeper than we've made it over the last six or seven years...
» Statement of Temporary FISA Reauthorization, January 29, 2008
...this body passed the RESTORE Act, a bill that modernizes the technologically outdated the foreign intelligence surveillance act of 1978, gives the intelligence community an opportunity to intercept critical information and protects our constitutional rights...
» Statement on the Bipartisan Economic Stimulus Plan, January 29, 2008
...for several years the american people have been confronting an economy that most working people are not being advantaged by...
» On Bloomberg TV discussing the upcoming State of the Union Speech, January 28, 2008
...a lot of middle income working Americans are having their incomes stuck in the mud, those with the housing crisis are having a terrible time and we are trying to respond in a bipartisan, speedy way to try to get relief to those people and stimulate the economy...
» On Fox 5 WTTG with Rep. Davis Reacting to the State of the Union Address, January 28, 2008
...It was as you said in your lead in, relatively short on specifics. A lot of time on further justification of Iraq. As a matter of fact, almost a third of his speech was on that topic...
» On Fox News Channel Responding to Bush's State of the Union Address, January 28, 2008
...we believe that it was important to act in a timely fashion, with temporary relief, targeted to people who would spend that money and stimulate the economy...
» On WJLA Channel 9 Reacting to the State of the Union Address, January 28, 2008
...he has created about 20% of the jobs that Bill Clinton's administration created over the course of his term. so I think this is not going to be perceived as a particularly successful administration...
» Statement on Alternative Minimum Tax “Patch”, December 19, 2007
...people making $500 million a year don't have to pay their fair share...
» On the Situation Room on CNN Discussing Energy and the Omnibus, December 18, 2007
and discussing Iraq and Lieberman...
» Statement on the Historic, Bipartisan Energy Bill, December 18, 2007
...a very important day for America and our energy independence and for all our effort to keep our environment sustainable...
» On CNBC's Squawkbox Discussing Fiscal Responsibility and the Close of the Legislative Year, December 13, 2007
SCHIP, AMT, Energy, Spending Bills, ...
» Statement on Intelligence Authorization Conference Report, December 13, 2007
I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, not for party but for country, not for partisanship but for a reverence of the Constitutional oath we took, I urge us all, let us begin to repair our nation's reputation. Let's adrop the this conference report.


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