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Agent Name Diesel exhaust
Major Category Other Uses
Category Pyrolysis Products
Description Appearance and odor vary depending upon the specific diesel exhaust component; [NIOSH]
Sources/Uses Workers exposed to diesel exhausts include "mine workers, bridge and tunnel workers, railroad workers, loading dock workers, truck drivers, material handling machine operators, farm workers, auto, truck and bus maintenance garage workers, and longshoring employees." [OSHA Technical Links]
Comments "Some experimental evidence and some epidemiologic evidence suggest that emissions from diesel-powered engines may be lung carcinogens, but the epidemiologic evidence is inconclusive." [Siemiatycki, p. 336] See "Diesel asthma" was documented in three railroad workers who developed asthma after heavy exposure to locomotive exhaust while riding behind the engine in caboose-less trains. [Wade J, Newman L, JOM, Vol 35, No 2, Feb 1993.]
Reference Link OSHA Technical Links: Diesel Exhaust
Exposure Assessment
Skin Designation (ACGIH) Not evaluated
Explanatory Notes NIOSH REL = lowest feasible conc.;
Adverse Effects
IARC Carcinogen Probable Carcinogen
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Last updated: January, 2009