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Women and HIV/AIDS
Women and HIV/AIDS

Older womanHIV and Women Over 50

If you are over 50, you may not think that you are at risk for HIV infection for many reasons.

  • You may not realize that you need to protect yourself against HIV.

  • You may not know the term, "sexually transmitted diseases" or STDs. You were taught about "venereal diseases" or VD.

  • You may not know how to prevent HIV.

  • You may think you don't have to use condoms because you don't worry about getting pregnant. Or, you may be dating again after many years and don't know how to talk to your partner about using condoms.

If you are sexually active, you are at risk for HIV — no matter what your age. The surest way to avoid passing on HIV and other STDs is to abstain from sex. If you do have sex, use a condom.

Additional Information on HIV and Women Over 50:


  1. Federal resource  Age Page: HIV, AIDS, and Older People - This publication explains what HIV is, how it is spread, how it is treated, why it is increasing among older adults, and how it affects them.

  2. Aging with HIV (Copyright © SFAF) - This publication describes how heart disease and osteoporosis can affect aging HIV positive women more than it affects HIV negative aging women. It provides tips on how to avoid these problems.

  3. Older People and HIV (Copyright © AIDS InfoNet) - Not just young people get HIV. This article describes how many older adults have HIV, why they are getting infected, and how HIV affects them differently.

  4. Private Part Smarts: Why Safe Sex is a Menopause Priority (Copyright © NAMS) - This publication explains the importance of practicing safe sex during menopause to reduce the risk of STDs or pregnancy.

  5. Women, HIV and Older Age (Copyright © Project Inform) - This fact sheet explains what research has been done about women with HIV over the age of 50. It also explains how aging affects your immune system and how menopause complicates HIV treatment.


  1. Federal resource  Administration on Aging, HHS
  2. Federal resource  CDC National Prevention Information Network
  3. Federal resource  CDC-INFO
  4. Federal resource  Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention, NCHSTP, CDC, OPHS, HHS
  5. Federal resource  National Institute on Aging Information Center, NIA, NIH, HHS
  6. Center for AIDS Prevention Studies, ARI, UCSF
  7. HIV Wisdom for Older Women
  8. National Association on HIV Over Fifty

Federal resource = Indicates Federal Resources

Content last updated January 25, 2008.

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