National Cancer Institute
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Epidemiology and Genetics Research Branch
Cancer Control and Population Sciences

EGRP News Flash - October 17, 2008from the office of Deborah Winn, Pd.D., Acting Associate Director EGRP

New Web Site for Measures of the Food Environment

On behalf of the Applied Research Program (ARP) in NCI's Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences, the Epidemiology and Genetics Research Program (EGRP) announces a new Web site that provides a searchable compilation of articles that include community-level measures of the food environment, as well as some of the instruments themselves. The goal of "Measures of the Food Environment" is to enable access to existing measures of the food environment and to stimulate the development of the next generation of tools. The site defines the food environment to include food stores, restaurants, schools, and worksites. Measurement of the food environment and its effects on dietary behavior is a relatively new, but growing, field of inquiry. Robust measures of the food environment will strengthen research on the effects of the community-level food environment on individual dietary behavior, inform policymaking, and help reduce the prevalence of obesity through targeted interventions.

On this Web site, you can:

  • Search for articles: searchable fields include type of food environment, type of instrument or methodology, psychometric properties (validity, reliability), and demographic characteristics;
  • Browse the articles: this browse function can be organized by title or author name;
  • Browse the instruments: the instruments are categorized by food environment; and
  • Submit one of your articles: add your articles and instruments to the compilation!

The ARP contacts for inquiries are: Jill Reedy, Ph.D., M.P.H., R.D., Nutritionist, Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch, e-mail:; and Robin McKinnon, M.P.A., Health Policy Specialist, Risk Factor Monitoring and Methods Branch, e-mail:

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Last modified:
14 Nov 2008
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