National Cancer Institute
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Epidemiology and Genetics Research Branch
Cancer Control and Population Sciences

EGRP News Flash - December 12, 2008

from the office of Deborah Winn, Pd.D., Acting Associate Director EGRPNIH Implementation of the Early Stage Investigator Policy

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently announced a change in NIH New Investigator policies designed to encourage early transition to independence. New investigators within ten years of completing their terminal research degree or within ten years of completing their medical residency will be designated Early Stage Investigators (ESIs). Traditional NIH research grant (R01) applications for ESIs will be identified and the career stage of the applicant will be considered at the time of review and award. As in the past, an application with more than one Principal Investigator will be identified for consideration by reviewers if all of the listed Principal Investigators qualify as ESIs or New Investigators. More information on this policy is available on the New and Early Stage Investigator website.

In order to implement this modified policy, all New Investigators must update their eRA Commons profiles to ensure that they are given appropriate consideration for R01 applications for February 2009 due dates and beyond. New Investigators who do not yet have an eRA Commons account should work through the sponsored research office or its equivalent at their institution to establish an eRA Commons account. Investigators who already have an account should update degree information. The eRA Commons will be ready to accept the completion date of medical residency after January 17, 2009.

Direct inquiries regarding ESI Policies to

Last modified:
16 Dec 2008
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