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HHS Secretary's Award for Distinguished Service

Criteria for Award

The most critical feature of the nomination is to set forth the achievements which make the team or individual worthy of recognition by the Secretary. Nominations should highlight displays of leadership, skill, ability, and customer service performed in such a manner that the team and/or employee performed significantly above those with similar duties, and that the results of these efforts were distinctly beneficial to the Department. In all cases, performance should clearly exceed expectations. While the nominations of individuals will be accepted, the award encourages the recognition of teamwork. Teams may consist of employees from the same organization or from a number of different organizations.

Although specific categories have not been prescribed, it is expected that a diverse pool of employees from all organizational levels will be nominated. Managers and supervisors should broadly distribute the nomination guidelines and should encourage and accept nominations from peers, team members, team leaders, supervisors, and internal customers.

Examples of accomplishments which advance the mission and goals of the DHHS include, but are not limited to, the following: