National Cancer Institute
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Epidemiology and Genetics Research Branch
Cancer Control and Population Sciences

Health Disparities:

Health Disparities

Research Projects on Cancer-Related Health Disparities Supported by EGRP
Fiscal Year 2007

Principal Investigator Project Title Grant Number
Amos, Christopher I
University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
High Density Association Analysis of Lung Cancer 1R01CA121197
Ambrosone, Christine B
Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University
Race and Risk Factors for Early/Aggressive Breast Cancer 5R01CA100598
Blot, William J
Vanderbilt University
Southern Community Cohort Study 5R01CA092447
Brandt, Heather M
University of South Carolina at Columbia
A Population-Based HPV Survey of Women in South Carolina 1R15CA125600
Carlson, Christopher S
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Evolutionary Analysis of CTCF and Potential Links to Breast Cancer Phenotypes 1R03CA123584
Colditz, Graham A
Washington University
Prospective Evaluation of IGF and IL-6 Dysregulation and Multiple Myeloma 1R01CA127435
Cunningham-Rundles N
Mount Sinai School of Medicine of New York University
Targeting Primary Immunodeficiency Among Minorities 5R18AI048693
De Roos, Anneclaire J
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Industrial Pollutants and Risk of Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma 5R03CA115183
Fraser, Gary E
Loma Linda University
Cancer Epidemiology in Adventist? A Low Risk Group 2R01CA094594
Freedman, Matthew L
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Fine Mapping and Characterization of the 8q24 Prostate Cancer Risk Locus 1R01CA129435
Gapstur, Susan M
Northwestern University
Determinants of Steroid Hormones in Black and White Men 5R01CA077704
Gomez, Scarlett L
Northern California Cancer Center
Social and Built Environment and Race/Ethnic Variations in Cancer Outcomes 1R03CA117324
Goovaerts, Pierre E
Geostatistical Software for the Analysis of Individual-Level Epidemiologic Data 1R43CA132347
Goovaerts, Pierre E
Geostatistical Software for the Space-Time Analysis of Health Disparities 5R44CA110281
Hamilton, Ann S
University of California
Androgen Receptor as a Biomarker in Prostate Cancer Progression 1R03CA121874
Jacquez, Geoffrey M
Cancer Clustering for Residential Histories 2R44CA117171
John, Esther M
Northern California Cancer Center
Body Size and Breast Cancer Risk in a Multiethnic Population 1R03CA121875
Karagas, Margaret R
Dartmouth College
Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer in New Hampshire 2R01CA057494
Keegan, Theresa H
Northern California Cancer Center
The Impact of the Built Environment on the Risk of Breast Cancer 1R03CA128009
Kolonel, Laurence N
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Multiethnic Cohort Study of Diet and Cancer 5R37CA054281
Krieger, Nancy
Harvard University School of Public Health
Breast Cancer After the Women’s Health Initiative Study: Declining Incidence? 1R03CA132131
Krieger, Nancy
Harvard University School of Public Health
Race and Breast Cancer Estrogen Receptor Status: Impact of Class and Missing Data 1R03CA125839
Laird, Peter W
University of Southern California
CpG Island Methylator Phenotype in Human Colorectal Cancer 1R01CA118699
Le Marchand, Loic
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Diet, Genetic Susceptibility, and Colorectal Neoplasia 5R01CA072520
Le Marchand, Loic
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Ethnic/Racial Minorities in the Colon Cancer Family Registry 5R01CA104132
Mandal, Diptasri M
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at New Orleans
Genetics of Prostate Cancer and Breast Cancer Survival 3R03CA097778
Pinney, Susan
University of Cincinnati
Choice to Join a Cancer Registry: Racial Differences 1R03CA115258
Porter, Peggy L
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Gene Copy Number Changes and Breast Cancer Survival 5R01CA098415
Potter, John D
Center for Health Studies
Multi-Center Study of Pancreatic Cancer Etiology 5R01CA102765
Rosenblatt, Karin A
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Polybrominated Biphenyls and Cancer Risk 1R03CA123623
Schootman, Mario
Washington University
Geographic Variation of Breast Cancer Survival 5R01CA100760
Scribner, Richard A
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center at New Orleans
Multilevel Exploration of Obesity Risk of Cancer Prevention 3R03CA103484
Siegmund, Kimberly D
University of Southern California
Statistical Models in Epigenomics 2R56CA097346
Soliman, Amr
University of Michigan at Ann Harbor
Biomarkers of Heavy Metal Exposure Related to Pancreatic Cancer Genetic Mutations 1R03CA123715
Symanski, Elaine
University of Texas Health Science Center Houston
Hazardous Air Pollutants and Lymphohematopoietic Cancer Incidence in Houston 1995 1R03CA128106
Velie, Ellen M
Michigan State University
A Population-Based Study of Birth Characteristics and Maternal Breast Cancer 1R03CA128010
Virnig, Beth A
University of Minnesota Twin Cities
An Epidemiologic Study of Lymph Node Evaluation in Colorectal Cancer Patients 1R01CA118105
Wiencke, John K
University of California at San Francisco
Biomarkers of Lung Cancer Susceptibility in Minorities 5R01ES006717
Whittemore, Alice S
Stanford University
Cancer Risk in Multi-Ethnic Carriers of Unclassified BRCA1 Variants 1R03CA132155

Last modified:
30 Oct 2008
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