PubMed® for Experts

Class Description | Agenda

1 day

Class Description

This class is taught by the Education/Outreach Coordinator within each of the eight regions. Please contact your local RML for further information.

Designed as an advanced class for experienced PubMed®/MEDLINE searchers. This hands-on class will highlight advanced PubMed® techniques that can be used to conduct comprehensive searches. Attendees are encouraged to contribute past and present difficult searches to discuss with the class.

PubMed® for Experts is a free class and is awarded 3.0 MLA continuing education credits.


  1. Welcome and Introductions (15 minutes)
  2. Quick Review of Basic Skills (30 minutes)
    • Mapping
    • Phrase Searching
    • Limits
  3. What's New (15 minutes)
  4. MeSH (15 minutes)
  5. BREAK (10 minutes)
  6. Part 1 Exercises (10 minutes)
  7. Field Tag Searching (15 minutes)
  8. Subsets (15 minutes)
  9. Discipline Searching (10 minutes)
  10. Outside Searches and Clinical Queries (15 minutes)
  11. Part 2 Exercises (20 minutes)
  12. Wrap Up, Questions, and Evaluations (10 minutes)
  13. top