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Welcome to the NCI Cooperative Breast Cancer Tissue Resource

* Tissue Microarrays
* Who can obtain specimens?
* How do I apply?
* What NCI-Supported Tissue and
Data Resources are Available?
* Cost for Specimens


The National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cooperative Breast Cancer Tissue Resource (CBCTR) is funded by the NCI to supply researchers with primary breast cancer tissues with associated clinical data. The CBCTR can provide formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded primary breast cancer specimens with their associated pathologic and clinical outcome information.

This valuable finite collection is intended to facilitate large research studies that require archival tissue with clinical and outcome data. The Resource will document the availability of required specimens to support applications for research funding.

This web site features an on-line database. Investigators can search to determine the number of available breast cancer samples that meet their research requirements. Search fields include:

* Stage of Disease   * Presence of CIS
* Recurrence Info   * Availability of Normal Tissue
* Vital Status   * Nodal Status
* Treatment Received   * Tumor Size
* Histologic Type   * Follow-up Time

For a list of the CBCTR's Coordinating Committee, more information about the resource, and how to apply for tissue samples, please visit our FAQ page.

This page was last updated on:
Friday, September 28, 2007 at 10:06:20 AM.
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National Cancer Institute Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health The U.S. government's official web portal