NCI Manpower Grants


K 01

(PA-95-049* – Replaced K01, K14, K17, K21)
Temin Award
Mentored Career Development Award
(RFA’s CA-97-003* and CA-97-023*)
Additional Research Funds $20,000/yr during mentored phase -
competing segments prior to FY 1999.
$30,000/yr during mentored phase -
competing segments beginning FY 1999.
$50,000/yr during independent research.
$25,000/yr during Phase I.
$75,000/yr during Phase II.
Annual FSR No (Due end of competing segment.) No (Due end of competing segment.)
Application Used Competing: PHS 398 - Section IV
Non Competing: PHS 2590 - Section IV
Competing: PHS 398 - Section IV
Non Competing: PHS 2590 - Section IV
Effort Required 75% of full-time effort 75%
Eligible Costs Refer to PAR-96-046 Refer to appropriate RFA
Ex.auth. & FDP/SNAP Yes Yes
Facilities and Administrative Costs 8% of modified total direct costs  8% of modified total direct costs 
Just-In-Time Yes  Yes
Minority Recruitment Plan No No
Misconduct in Science Yes Yes
Payback No No
Period of Support Up to 5 years. Support beyond 3 years contingent on candidate moving to an unmentored, independent research environment. Up to 5 years. Funding beyond 1st year contingent upon satisfactory progress during preceding year.
Plan for Instruction in Responsible Conduct of Research No No
Program Income Additional Cost Alternative  Additional Cost Alternative 
Purpose of Grant To sustain and advance the early research careers of the most promising M.D.’s and Ph.D.’s while they consolidate and focus their independent research programs and obtain their own research. To provide a mentored peer review experience in cancer research for underrepresented minority research scientists which will enhance the candidates knowledge and understanding of the peer review process with the expectation that the candidate will submit a grant application for non-targeted mechanisms (R29, R01).
Recycle No No
Reference Letters Yes Yes
Renewable No No
Replaced N/A K14
Research Experience Required and/or Eligible Degree Research or health professional doctorate and at least 3 years postdoctoral research. Prior PI’s on other peer-reviewed grants over $70,000 DC per year are not eligible. Research or health professional doctorate (0r equivalent), demonstrated productive research activity and recipient of a NCI minority supplement (NIPT/MIS).
Retain Other PHS/NIH Salary Support  No. Other NCI specialists, NIH IC’s and other federal, non-NIH awarding components must be notified of intent to make a K award. Other NCI grants may need reduction. Refer to form letters 400-1 and 400-2. No. Other NCI specialists, NIH IC’s and other federal, non-NIH awarding components must be notified of intent to make a K award. Other NCI grants may need reduction. Refer to form letters 400-1 and 400-2.
Salary Range Up to $75,000/yr + Fringe Benefits Up to $75,000/yr + Fringe Benefits
Sponsor-Mentor Required Required
Statement of Appointment No No
Status Employee Employee
Stipend range N/A N/A
Transfer Yes – Grantee should contact Program Director prior to completing transfer application. Yes – Grantee should contact Program Director prior to completing transfer application.

*PAs, PARs or RFAs noted in this document may not be inclusive.  Refer to application face page to determine appropriate announcement.  Review document as it may contain different/additional information than that provided above.