VUG Home Page -> CosmoPlayer



CosmoPlayer versions:

CosmoPlayer 2.1 for Windows - 3.34 Mb

CosmoPlayer 2.1 for PowerMac (beta) - 3.19 Mb

You can find some installation instructions also.

CosmoPlayer is being made available as a service to the Web3D community courtesy of Computer Associates and NIST. If you have any technical questions or support needs DO NOT email us. The software is being provided as is.

If you're really interested in the wonderful world of Web3D the go to the Web3D Consortium site for all the lastest info.

For a a look at some of our older projects look at our historically interesting Open Virtual Reality Testbed page.

The VVRM project is a product of the Visualization and Usability Group, Information Access Division, Information Technology Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

General Infomation and Comments:
Project Manager: Sandy Ressler

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