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AIDSinfo E-News:
Offering HIV/AIDS Research, Clinical Trials, Prevention, and Treatment Information.

AIDSinfo At-a-Glance

Issue No. 19

May 12 , 2006 is pleased to provide you with a weekly update of highlights about what has happened in the world of HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, and research. We hope you find this encapsulated view of HIV/AIDS news useful.



Vaccine Awareness Day—May 18

For the ninth year, May 18 marks HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, when local and national events will highlight efforts to develop an HIV/AIDS vaccine. Go to the AIDSinfo Vaccine Awareness Day page for more information.


National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS

Awareness Day—May 19

“Educate, motivate, and mobilize against HIV/AIDS!” This is the theme of the National Asian and Pacific Islander (API) HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, May 19, a day focused on the fight against HIV-related discrimination and the stigma HIV carries in the API communities. In support of this important day, AIDSinfo has created an API page with many useful links specifically to HIV/AIDS and APIs.

Women’s Health Week May 14–20
AIDSinfo proudly supports National Women’s Health Week, May 14–20. In an effort to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS and Women, the AIDSinfo staff have compiled a resource page that provides reliable information for and about women. This page offers resources on the virus, prenatal care, treatment, prevention methods, and more. Whether you are a concerned individual, a health care provider, a business leader, a community organization, or a governor, mayor, or tribal leader, there is something you can do to participate in National Women's Health Week.


Adult Treatment Guideline Training Slides Available

The AIDS Education Training Center (AETC) has created and released companion slide presentations for the Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in HIV-1-Infected Adults and Adolescents, May 4, 2006. To view the slides, go to the AETC National Resources Center Web site. Info

New HIV/AIDS trials have been added to in the last 7 days: click here


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