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AIDSinfo E-News:
Offering HIV/AIDS Research, Clinical Trials, Prevention, and Treatment Information.

AIDSinfo At-a-Glance

Issue No. 24

June 16 , 2006 is pleased to provide you with a weekly update of highlights about what has happened in the world of HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, and research. We hope you find this encapsulated view of HIV/AIDS news useful.



Spanish Glossary of HIV/AIDS-Related Terms Available Online

AIDSinfo is pleased to announce a new edition of the Glosario del VIH/SIDA, the Spanish translation of AIDSinfo’s popular Glossary of HIV/AIDS-Related Terms. The Glosario is designed to help health care providers, caseworkers, community-based organizations, and people living with HIV/AIDS and their families and friends understand the complex web of HIV/AIDS terminology—en Español! This edition of the Glosario del VIH/SIDA features an expanded “Additional Resources” section as well as new and updated HIV/AIDS-related terms and definitions. You can download the Glosario or use it on the Web.  Printed copies of the glossary in Spanish will be available later this summer.


Also new to this edition of the Glosario is the Guía de Traducciones (Translation Guide), a comprehensive list of HIV/AIDS-related terms translated from English into Spanish. This guide can help you communicate important HIV/AIDS-related concepts across a language barrier and can also help organizations create a standardized vocabulary of Spanish HIV/AIDS terms.


AIDSinfo is committed to providing high-quality HIV/AIDS resources in both English and Spanish. So set your bookmarks to both the Glossary of HIV/AIDS-Related Terms and the Glosario del VIH/SIDA! We love feedback—please write us at and let us know how we’re doing.



Nuevo Glosario del VIH/SIDA disponible en línea

AIDSinfo se complace en presentar la nueva edición del Glosario del VIH/SIDA. Este glosario es la traducción de una de nuestras publicaciones más populares—Glossary of HIV/AIDS-Related Terms. Fue desarrollado para ayudar a los proveedores de atención de salud, los trabajadores sociales, las organizaciones comunitarias, las personas afectadas por la infección por el VIH/SIDA y sus familiares y amigos para poder entender la compleja red de terminología en español. Esta edición del Glosario contiene una sección ampliada de Recursos Adicionales y términos y definiciones nuevos y actualizados.


Puede descargar el Glosario o utilizarlo en nuestra página web.


En esta edición del Glosario hay una sección nueva, Guía de traducciones, que provee una lista de términos traducidos del inglés al español. Esta guía del Glosario ayudará a comunicar ideas importantes sobre el VIH/SIDA a través de una barrera lingüística y ayudará a las organizaciones a formar un vocabulario estándar de términos de VIH/SIDA en español. Copias impresas del Glosario del VIH/SIDA estarán disponibles durante el verano.


AIDSinfo se compromete a ofrecer recursos de alta calidad para VIH/SIDA en inglés y español. Programe sus marcapáginas al Glosario del VIH/SIDA y Glossary of HIV-Related Terms. Nos interesa recibir comentarios y sugerenciaspor favor envíe su mensaje a



HIV/AIDS Primary Care Guide Available

The Florida/Caribbean AETC (F/C AETC) is pleased to announce the release of their 551-page publication, HIV/AIDS Primary Care Guide. The guide provides information about HIV/AIDS and its treatment for primary care providers.


This volume of the HIV/AIDS Primary Care Guide represents the collective efforts of a diverse group of HIV care providers, including 25 of the Florida/Caribbean AETC faculty and 37 guest authors.


The guide has been compiled and edited by Jeffrey Beal, MD, Clinical Director of the F/C AETC and Senior Physician, Lee County Health Department; Joanne J. Orrick, PharmD, BCPS, Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Florida; and Kimberly Alfonso, MAcc, Assistant Director of the F/C AETC.


For a limited time, the bound text is available at a discounted price directly from the publisher, Crown House Publishing.  Details on purchasing of a book at the reduced price are on, along with free PDF downloads of all the chapters. Info

New HIV/AIDS trials have been added to in the last 7 days: click here


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