Mike Rogers, Proudly Representing the 3rd District of Alabama
  For Immediate Release   Contact:  Shea Snider or Marshall Macomber
June 13, 2006 (202) 225-3261
Press Release
Rogers: Supplemental Adds
$400 Million For Abrams
House Passes Bill to Continue Tank Upgrades and Overhauls
Washington, D.C.  -  The House of Representatives passed today the final version of this year’s $94.5 billion wartime supplemental, legislation which includes $400 million for the Army’s Abrams tank upgrades and overhauls, Congressman Mike Rogers said today.

Rogers said the bill, which in part helps support overall military readiness by providing U.S. troops with newly upgraded Abrams tanks and other battle equipment, passed the House 351-67. Rogers said the bill contains $300 million for Abrams M1A2 SEP upgrades, and $100 million for Abrams M1A1 AIM overhauls. Many Abrams tanks are upgraded at the Anniston Army Depot in partnership with General Dynamics, he said.

“Congress clearly understands the importance of these vehicles to the overall readiness of our troops,” Rogers said. “I am pleased this funding was restored, and hope it ensures an uninterrupted supply of these critical vehicles for our men and women on the battlefield.”

Rogers said in February the supplemental was sent to Congress by the Pentagon without sufficient funding for Abrams tank overhauls, vehicles he says are critical for ensuring the readiness of the nation’s warfighters. Rogers, in response, urged Defense Appropriations Chairman Jerry Lewis (R-CA) to help restore funding for the program.

‘Any reduction in the talented workforce for this critical weapon cannot be sustained during a lengthy production gap, and can only be recreated at great cost – both to our military and to the overall readiness of our warfighters,’ he wrote.

Rogers said funding was restored in the House version of the bill in March, and remained in the bill which passed today, the Conference Report on H.R. 4939, the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Hurricane Recovery for 2006.

Rogers said the Senate must also vote on the legislation, after which it should go to President Bush to be signed in to law. Rogers is a member of the House Armed Services Committee.

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