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AIDSinfo E-News:
Offering HIV/AIDS Research, Clinical Trials, Prevention, and Treatment Information.



AIDSinfo At-a-Glance

Issue No. 6

March 24, 2005 is pleased to provide you with a weekly update of highlights about what has happened in the world of HIV/AIDS treatment, prevention, and research. We hope you find this encapsulated view of HIV/AIDS news useful.


Pediatric Treatment Guidelines Updated

The Department of Health and Human Services’ "Guidelines for the Use of Antiretroviral Agents in Pediatric HIV Infection" has been updated. The "Characteristics of Available Antiretroviral Drugs" Appendix has been completely revised to include up-to-date drug information, including updated information on pediatric dosing and new drug formulations. Also included in the updated Appendix is a matrix based on Table 18 in the Adult Guidelines (adverse drug reactions) and three matrices based on Tables 19-21 in the Adult Guidelines (drug interactions between antiretrovirals and other drugs).  


Because the entire Appendix has been revised throughout, only the title is highlighted in the document, which is available here. You can download the guidelines or request to receive them by e-mail or regular mail on the AIDSinfo Web site.



Integrase Inhibitor Now Included in the AIDSinfo Drug Database

The integrase inhibitor class, one of the more recent classes of antiretroviral drugs in development, has been added to the AIDSinfo Drug Database search page. Medications in this class are being studied for their ability to prevent the insertion of HIV DNA into human DNA. Merck is developing some promising integrase inhibitors and presented information on its lead candidate, L-000870810, at last month’s Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Boston. A fact sheet for this drug is now included in the AIDSinfo Drug Database, along with links to selected PubMed review articles on the entire class. To view the L-000870810 fact sheet, click here. Info

A Phase I study evaluating the safety of interleukin-7 (IL-7) in HIV-1-infected people who are receiving antiretroviral treatment is being conducted at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). Research has shown that IL-7 increases production of CD4 cells, the cells killed by HIV. Click here to read more about this clinical trial.

Other new HIV/AIDS trials have been added to in the last 30 days. For a list of trials click here.


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