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The Power to Control Diabetes Is in Your Hands Community Outreach Kit


Tools to Implement Promotional Activities

Tips for Placing a Community Health Event Announcement in a Newspaper

Here are some tips for placing a community health event in a newspaper:

  • Begin the process of trying to get your event published approximately two to three weeks before you want it to appear in the publication.

  • To get started, identify the procedures for getting event information into newspaper and calendar listings. Call the paper and find out the name of the person you need to speak with about submitting an event. Find out if the paper has any rules about how an event is submitted and how far in advance to submit the item. Usually, event information is sent to the Calendar & Events editor. Ask if the editor prefers to receive information via email or fax.

  • Send a brief letter that explains who you are, and provide some background information about the National Diabetes Education Program and the topic of your event. The letter should briefly and clearly state the topic and purpose of the event.

  • A few days after you have sent information about your event, call the publication and make sure it was received. Be prepared to answer any questions about your event such as event location and registration, and use the call as an opportunity to once again express your interest in seeing the event appear in the publication.


Guidelines for Ordering NDEP Materials for Community Health Events >