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The Power to Control Diabetes Is in Your Hands Community Outreach Kit


Tools to Implement Promotional Activities

Sample Media Advisory

[Title and Name of Spokesperson] and [Name of Your Organization] Join Forces for Diabetes Awareness Campaign

Contact: [Name of person who will handle media inquiries, phone number, email]

[Spokesperson], [title] or
[Name of your organization’s representative], [title], [city or state] or
[Names, titles, affiliations of other participants] or
[Name and city of a person with diabetes who is participating in the event, if applicable]

Date: [Day and date]

Time: [Time of the event]

Place: [Address where event will be held, including any important location information (e.g., room name or number, parking instructions)]

Contact: [Name of the person who will handle phone inquiries from the public]

Phone/Email: [Contact person’s phone number and email address]

[Title and name of spokesperson] and [name of your organization] have joined forces in support of a national diabetes awareness campaign for older adults called The Power to Control Diabetes Is in Your Hands, sponsored by the National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP). NDEP is a joint program of the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Highlights of the local campaign include [a seminar? benefit concert? List the special event or the most noteworthy aspect of the campaign] by [spokesperson] on [date] at the [venue] in [area].

[Spokesperson] will [for example, discuss his or her own experiences managing diabetes]. [Describe the spokesperson again (e.g., a musical legend, an award-winning journalist)], is well known for [list expertise, major accomplishments, knowledge of diabetes, etc.].

The Power to Control campaign was developed to reach older adults over age 60 with messages about the importance of diabetes self-management and available Medicare benefits. Although diabetes and its complications occur in Americans of all ages and racial and ethnic groups, older adults are more commonly affected. Many older adults with diabetes are on fixed incomes that make it difficult for them to follow all recommended self-care routines. For more information about the Power to Control campaign and this event, please contact [name] at [phone number] or [email address].  

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Tips for Placing a Community Health Event Announcement in a Newspaper >