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Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP) is a monthly journal of peer-reviewed research and news on the impact of the environment on human health. EHP is published by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and its content is free online. Print issues are available by paid subscription.DISCLAIMER
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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 109, Number 5, May 2001
Environmental Health Perspectives May 2001 On The Cover:Western scientists are delving into the well of indigenous knowledge for new perspectives on medicine, the environment, and human culture.
Photo credit: Joshua Rosenthal

Purchase This Issue

  • Lessons from Indigenous Cultures A208
  • Toxins in Coastal Waterways A220, A224, 457, & 539
  • EMFs & Breast Cancer: Still No Link 501

In This Issue


  • Cellular Telephones and Brain Cancer: Current Research
  • Toxic Beryllium and Genetic Testing
    p. A 200

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In Memoriam Environews


  • Baby Ills from Beauty Aids
  • CDC Unveils Body Burden
  • EC Says Shhh!
  • Boston Pee Party
  • The Beat
  • EHPnet: U.S. EPA American Indian Environmental Office
    p. A 202

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  • Health Oasis in the Desert Southwest
    p. A 206

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  • Ancient Teachings, Modern Lessons
    p. A 208

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Spheres of Influence
  • Indi-GENE-ous Conflict
    p. A 216

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  • Sound Science: Ferries Keep Watch on Coastal Waters
    p. A 220

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Science Selections
  • Legacy of Lead
  • Pfiesteria 'Fesses Up
  • The Price of Gold
    p. A 224

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  • Is Peroxisome Proliferation an Obligatory Precursor Step in the Carcinogenicity of Di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP)?
    Ronald L. Melnick
    p. 437

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  • Evolutionary Biology of Plant Defenses against Herbivory and Their Predictive Implications for Endocrine Disruptor Susceptibility in Vertebrates
    Katherine E. Wynne-Edwards
    p. 443

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  • Gold-Mining Activities and Mercury Contamination of Native Amerindian Communities in French Guiana: Key Role of Fish in Dietary Uptake
    N. Fréry, R. Maury-Brachet, E. Maillot, M. Deheeger, B. de Mérona, and Alain Boudou
    p. 449

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  • Identification of a P2X7 Receptor in GH4C1 Rat Pituitary Cells: A Potential Target for a Bioactive Substance Produced by Pfiesteria piscicida
    Karen L. Kimm-Brinson, Peter D. R. Moeller, Michéle Barbier, Howard Glasgow, Jr., JoAnn M. Burkholder, and John S. Ramsdell
    p. 457

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  • The Impact of Heat Waves and Cold Spells on Mortality Rates in the Dutch Population
    Maud M.T.E. Huynen, Pim Martens, Dieneke Schram, Matty P. Weijenberg, and Anton E. Kunst
    p. 463

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  • A Rat Mammary Tumor Model Induced by the Organophosphorous Pesticides Parathion and Malathion, Possibly through Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition
    Gertrudis Cabello, Mario Valenzuela, Arnaldo Vilaxa, Viviana Durán, Isolde Rudolph, Nicolas Hrepic, and Gloria Calaf
    p. 471

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  • Quantifying the Effects of Exposure to Indoor Air Pollution from Biomass Combustion on Acute Respiratory Infections in Developing Countries
    Majid Ezzati and Daniel M. Kammen
    p. 481

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  • Coupling between Annual and ENSO Timescales in the Malaria-Climate Association in Colombia
    Germán Poveda, William Rojas, Martha L. Quiñones, Iván D. Vélez, Ricardo I. Mantilla, Daniel Ruiz, Juan S. Zuluaga, and Guillermo L. Rua
    p. 489

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  • Biomarker Correlations of Urinary 2,4-D Levels in Foresters: Genomic Instability and Endocrine Disruption
    Vincent F. Garry, Robert E. Tarone, Ilan R. Kirsch, Jorge M. Abdallah, Donald P. Lombardi, Leslie K. Long, Barbara L. Burroughs, Dana B. Barr, and James S. Kesner
    p. 495

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  • Examination of the Melatonin Hypothesis in Women Exposed at Night to EMF or Bright Light
    Charles Graham, Mary R. Cook, Mary M. Gerkovich, and Antonio Sastre
    p. 501

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  • Data Quality in Predictive Toxicology: Reproducibility of Rodent Carcinogenicity Experiments
    Eva Gottmann, Stefan Kramer, Bernhard Pfahringer, and Christoph Helma
    p. 509

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  • Diesel Exhaust Particles Suppress Macrophage Function and Slow the Pulmonary Clearance of Listeria monocytogenes in Rats
    Hui-Min Yang, James M. Antonini, Mark W. Barger, Leon Butterworth, Jenny R. Roberts, Joseph K.H. Ma, Vince Castranova, and Jane Y.C. Ma
    p. 515

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  • Formamidopyrimidine-DNA Glycosylase Enhances Arsenic-Induced DNA Strand Breaks in PHA-Stimulated and Unstimulated Human Lymphocytes
    Dasheng Li, Kanehisa Morimoto, Tatsuya Takeshita, and Yuquan Lu
    p. 523

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  • Interrelations of Lead Levels in Bone, Venous Blood, and Umbilical Cord Blood with Exogenous Lead Exposure through Maternal Plasma Lead in Peripartum Women
    Hung-Yi Chuang, Joel Schwartz, Teresa Gonzales-Cossio, Marlene Cortez Lugo, Eduardo Palazuelos, Antonio Aro, Howard Hu, and Mauricio Hernandez-Avila
    p. 527

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Children's Health
  • Work Characteristics and Pesticide Exposures among Migrant Agricultural Families: A Community-Based Research Approach
    Linda A. McCauley, Michael R. Lasarev, Gregory Higgins, Joan Rothlein, Juan Muniz, Caren Ebbert, and Jacki Phillips
    p. 533

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Grand Rounds
  • Possible Estuary-Associated Syndrome: Symptoms, Vision, and Treatment
    Ritchie C. Shoemaker and H. Kenneth Hudnell
    p. 539

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  • Extramurally Speaking [HTML] [PDF] p. A 227
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