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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 99, 1993
Environmental Health Perspectives  1993 Biomarkers in Human Cancer-Part II: Exposure Monitoring and Molecular Dosimetry

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Significance of DNA adduct studies in animal models for cancer molecular dosimetry and risk assessment
Beland-FA; Poirier-MC
p. 5
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Molecular dosimetry of DNA and hemoglobin adducts in mice and rats exposed to ethylene oxide
Walker-VE; Fennell-TR; Upton-PB; MacNeela-JP; Swenberg-JA
p. 11
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Identification of endogenous electrophiles by means of mass spectrometric determination of protein and DNA adducts
Farmer-PB; Bailey-E; Naylor-S; Anderson-D; Brooks A; Cushnir-J; Lamb-JH; Sepai-O; Tang-YS
p. 19
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Determining N7-alkylguanine adducts by immunochemical methods and HPLC with electrochemical detection: applications in animal studies and in monitoring human exposure to alkylating agents
van-Delft-JH; van-Winden-MJ; van-den-Ende AM; Baan-RA
p. 25
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Urinary markers for measuring exposure to endogenous and exogenous alkylating agents and precursors
Shuker-DE; Prevost-V; Friesen-MD; Lin-D; Ohshima-H; Bartsch-H
p. 33
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Adducted proteins for identification of endogenous electrophiles
Tornqvist-M; Kautiainen A
p. 39
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DNA adducts in human urinary bladder and other tissues
Phillips-DH; Hewer A
p. 45
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Characterization of various classes of protein adducts
Tannenbaum-SR; Skipper-PL; Wishnok-JS; Stillwell-WG; Day-BW; Taghizadeh-K
p. 51
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Tobacco-specific nitrosamine adducts: studies in laboratory animals and humans
Hecht-SS; Carmella-SG; Foiles-PG; Murphy-SE; Peterson-LA
p. 57
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Hemoglobin adducts of N-substituted aryl compounds in exposure control and risk assessment
Neumann-HG; Birner-G; Kowallik-P; Schutze-D; Zwirner-Baier-I
p. 65
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DNA adducts as a measure of lung cancer risk in humans exposed to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Kriek-E; Van-Schooten-FJ; Hillebrand-MJ; Van-Leeuwen-FE; Den-Engelse-L; De-Looff AJ; Dijkmans AP
p. 71
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Seasonal variations in levels of DNA adducts and X-spots in human populations living in different parts of Poland
Grzybowska-E; Hemminki-K; Chorazy-M
p. 77
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DNA adducts as biomarkers for assessing exposure to polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in tissues from Xuan Wei women with high exposure to coal combustion emissions and high lung cancer mortality
Mumford-JL; Lee-X; Lewtas-J; Young-TL; Santella-RM
p. 83
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Comparison of DNA adducts from exposure to complex mixtures in various human tissues and experimental systems
Lewtas-J; Mumford-J; Everson-RB; Hulka-B; Wilcosky-T; Kozumbo-W; Thompson-C; George-M; Dobias-L; Sram-R; et-al
p. 89
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Does aflatoxin exposure in the United Kingdom constitute a cancer risk?
Harrison-JC; Carvajal-M; Garner-RC
p. 99
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Molecular epidemiology of aflatoxin exposures: validation of aflatoxin-N7-guanine levels in urine as a biomarker in experimental rat models and humans
Groopman-JD; Wild-CP; Hasler-J; Junshi-C; Wogan-GN; Kensler-TW
p. 107
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Molecular dosimetry of aflatoxin exposure: contribution to understanding the multifactorial etiopathogenesis of primary hepatocellular carcinoma with particular reference to hepatitis B virus
Wild-CP; Jansen-LA; Cova-L; Montesano-R
p. 115
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Metabolism of the food-borne carcinogens 2-amino-3-methylimidazo-[4,5-f]quinoline and 2-amino-3,8- dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]-quinoxaline in the rat as a model for human biomonitoring
Turesky-RJ; Stillwell-WG; Skipper-PL; Tannenbaum-SR
p. 123
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Exposure to heterocyclic amines
Wakabayashi-K; Ushiyama-H; Takahashi-M; Nukaya-H; Kim-SB; Hirose-M; Ochiai-M; Sugimura-T; Nagao-M
p. 129
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In vivo mutations in human blood cells: biomarkers for molecular epidemiology
Albertini-RJ; Nicklas-JA; Fuscoe-JC; Skopek-TR; Branda-RF; O'Neill-JP
p. 135
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Accumulation of O6-methylguanine in human DNA after therapeutic exposure to methylating agents and its relationship with biological effects
Kyrtopoulos-SA; Souliotis-VL; Valavanis-C; Boussiotis-VA; Pangalis-GA
p. 143
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Platinum drug-DNA interactions in human tissues measured by cisplatin-DNA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and atomic absorbance spectroscopy
Poirier-MC; Reed-E; Shamkhani-H; Tarone-RE; Gupta-Burt-S
p. 149
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Urinary markers for exposures to alkylating or nitrosating agents
Wishnok-JS; Tannenbaum-SR; Stillwell-WG; Glogowski-JA; Leaf-CD
p. 155
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Magnetic microcapsule exploration in the gastrointestinal cavity of the origins of colorectal cancer-associated DNA-damaging agents in the human diet
O'Neill-I; Bingham-S; Ellul A; Incaurgarat-B
p. 161
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Proliferation and differentiation biomarkers in colorectal mucosa and their application to chemoprevention studies
Scalmati A; Lipkin-M
p. 169
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Monitoring exposure to 4,4'-methylene-bis(2-chloroaniline) through the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry measurement of adducts to hemoglobin
Bailey-E; Brooks AG; Farmer-PB; Street-B
p. 175
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Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine in urine and feces
Friesen-MD; Garren-L; Bereziat-JC; Kadlubar-F; Lin-D
p. 179
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Low-level biological dosimetry of heterocyclic amine carcinogens isolated from cooked food
Turteltaub-KW; Vogel-JS; Frantz-C; Buonarati-MH; Felton-JS
p. 183
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Mass spectrometric analysis of tobacco-specific hemoglobin adducts
Schaffler-G; Betz-C; Richter-E
p. 187
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Detection and characterization of DNA adducts at the femtomole level by desorption ionization mass spectrometry
Lay-JO Jr; Chiarelli-MP; Bryant-MS; Nelson-RW
p. 191
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Exposure to aflatoxin B1 in animal-feed production plant workers
Autrup-JL; Schmidt-J; Autrup-H
p. 195
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Immunohistochemical detection of aflatoxin B1-DNA adducts and hepatitis B virus antigens in hepatocellular carcinoma and nontumorous liver tissue
Santella-RM; Zhang-YJ; Chen-CJ; Hsieh-LL; Lee-CS; Haghighi-B; Yang-GY; Wang-LW; Feitelson-M
p. 199
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Evidence that a hemoglobin adduct used for dosimetry of 4-(methylnitrosamino)-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone is a carboxylic ester
Carmella-SG; Kagan-SS; Hecht-SS
p. 203
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Detection of multiple polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts by a high-performance liquid chromatography-32P-postlabeling method
Gorelick-NJ; Reeder-NL
p. 207
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Hemoglobin binding of aromatic amines: molecular dosimetry and quantitative structure-activity relationships for N-oxidation
p. 213
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Monitoring occupational exposure to ethylene oxide by the determination of hemoglobin adducts
van-Sittert-NJ; Beulink-GD; van-Vliet-EW; van-der-Waal-H
p. 217
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A nonlinear dosimetric model for hemoglobin adduct formation by the neurotoxic agent acrylamide and its genotoxic metabolite glycidamide
Calleman-CJ; Bergmark-E; Stern-LG; Costa-LG
p. 221
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Detection and comparison of DNA adducts after in vitro and in vivo diesel emission exposures
Gallagher-J; George-M; Kohan-M; Thompson-C; Shank-T; Lewtas-J
p. 225
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Detection of carcinogen-DNA adducts in human fetal tissues by the 32P-postlabeling procedure
Hansen-C; Asmussen-I; Autrup-H
p. 229
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Development of a 32P-postlabeling assay for 7-methylguanines in human DNA
Mustonen-R; Forsti A; Hietanen-P; Hemminki-K
p. 233
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Biomarkers of carcinogen exposure and cancer risk in a coke plant
Assennato-G; Ferri-GM; Tockman-MS; Poirier-MC; Schoket-B; Porro A; Corrado-V; Strickland-PT
p. 237
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Investigation of benzene-DNA adducts and their detection in human bone marrow
Bodell-WJ; Levay-G; Pongracz-K
p. 241
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Biomonitoring studies and susceptibility markers for acrolein congeners and allylic and benzyl compounds
Eder-E; Hoffman-C; Sporer-S; Scheckenbach-S
p. 245
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Pulmonary alveolar macrophages in molecular epidemiology and chemoprevention of cancer
De-Flora-S; Izzotti A; D'Agostini-F; Rossi-GA; Balansky-RM
p. 249
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Mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke-induced DNA adducts in C7Bl and DBA mice
Gairola-CG; Wu-H; Gupta-RC; Diana-JN
p. 253
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Detection of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon-DNA adducts in human lung
Weston A; Bowman-ED; Shields-PG; Trivers-GE; Poirier-MC; Santella-RM; Manchester-DK
p. 257
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Detection and quantification of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine adducts in peripheral blood of people exposed to ionizing radiation
Wilson-VL; Taffe-BG; Shields-PG; Povey AC; Harris-CC
p. 261
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Association of PAH-DNA adducts in peripheral white blood cells with dietary exposure to polyaromatic hydrocarbons
Rothman-N; Poirier-MC; Haas-RA; Correa-Villasenor A; Ford-P; Hansen-JA; O'Toole-T; Strickland-PT
p. 265
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A highly sensitive and specific method for quantitation of O-alkylated DNA adducts and its application to the analysis of human tissue DNA
Kang-H; Konishi-C; Kuroki-T; Huh-N
p. 269
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Biphasic removal of DNA adducts in a repetitive DNA sequence after dietary administration of 2-acetylaminofluorene
Culp-SJ; Poirier-MC; Beland-FA
p. 273
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DNA adduct formation in relation to lymphocyte mutations and lung tumor induction in F344 rats treated with the environmental pollutant 1,6-dinitropyrene
Smith-BA; Fullerton-NF; Aidoo A; Heflich-RH; Beland-FA
p. 277
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Nephrotoxic and genotoxic N-acetyl-S-dichlorovinyl-L-cysteine is a urinary metabolite after occupational 1,1,2-trichloroethene exposure in humans: implications for the risk of trichloroethene exposure
Birner-G; Vamvakas-S; Dekant-W; Henschler-D
p. 281
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Immunoaffinity purification of dietary heterocyclic amine carcinogens
Vanderlaan-M; Hwang-M; Djanegara-T
p. 285
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Carcinogen-DNA adducts in exfoliated urothelial cells: techniques for noninvasive human monitoring
Talaska-G; Schamer-M; Skipper-P; Tannenbaum-S; Caporaso-N; Kadlubar-F; Bartsch-H; Vineis-P
p. 289
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Magnetic microcapsules as novel biomonitors of cross-linking agents and diet-dependent reactive oxygen species in the human gastrointestinal tract
Bingham-SA; Shah AB; Ellul A; Cummings-JH; O'Neill-IK
p. 293
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Use of the glycophorin A human mutation assay to study workers exposed to styrene
Compton-Quintana-PJ; Jensen-RH; Bigbee-WL; Grant-SG; Langlois-RG; Smith-MT; Rappaport-SM
p. 297
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Monitoring genotoxic exposure in uranium miners
Sram-RJ; Binkova-B; Dobias-L; Rossner-P; Topinka-J; Vesela-D; Vesely-D; Stejskalova-J; Bavorova-H; Rericha-V
p. 303
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DNA adducts in peripheral blood lymphocytes from aluminum production plant workers determined by 32P-postlabeling and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay
Schoket-B; Phillips-DH; Poirier-MC; Vincze-I
p. 307
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Hazard evaluation of chemicals that cause accumulation of alpha 2u-globulin, hyaline droplet nephropathy, and tubule neoplasia in the kidneys of male rats
Hard-GC; Rodgers-IS; Baetcke-KP; Richards-WL; McGaughy-RE; Valcovic-LR
p. 313
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The use of mammals as sentinels for human exposure to toxic contaminants in the environment
O'Brien-DJ; Kaneene-JB; Poppenga-RH
p. 351
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Effects of drinking water monochloramine on lipid and thyroid metabolism in healthy men
Wones-RG; Deck-CC; Stadler-B; Roark-S; Hogg-E; Frohman-LA
p. 369
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Lack of effect of drinking water chlorine on lipid and thyroid metabolism in healthy humans
Wones-RG; Deck-CC; Stadler-B; Roark-S; Hogg-E; Frohman-LA
p. 375
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Important aspects of the evidence for TCDD carcinogenicity in man
p. 383
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