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Environmental Health Perspectives Volume 93, 1991
Environmental Health Perspectives  1991 Target Genes in Chemical Carcinogenesis

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Alterations in epidermal biochemistry as a consequence of stage-specific genetic changes in skin carcinogenesis
Yuspa-SH; Kilkenny A; Cheng-C; Roop-D; Hennings-H; Kruszewski-F; Lee-E; Strickland-J; Greenhalgh-DA
p. 3
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Three-dimensional structure of p21 in the active conformation and analysis of an oncogenic mutant
Wittinghofer-F; Krengel-U; John-J; Kabsch-W; Pai-EF
p. 11
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GTP-binding proteins as oncogenes in human tumors
p. 17
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ras activation in human tumors and in animal model systems
Corominas-M; Sloan-SR; Leon-J; Kamino-H; Newcomb-EW; Pellicer A
p. 19
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Frequency and spectrum of c-Ki-ras mutations in human sporadic colon carcinoma, carcinomas arising in ulcerative colitis, and pancreatic adenocarcinoma
Burmer-GC; Rabinovitch-PS; Loeb-LA
p. 27
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The role of non-ras transforming genes in chemical carcinogenesis
p. 33
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Genetic changes during mouse skin tumorigenesis
Burns-PA; Bremner-R; Balmain A
p. 41
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Oncogenes and radiation carcinogenesis
Garte-SJ; Burns-FJ
p. 45
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Differential gene expression during multistage carcinogenesis
Bowden-GT; Krieg-P
p. 51
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Lessons learned from studies on tumor suppression by microcell-mediated chromosome transfer
p. 57
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Senescence as a mode of tumor suppression
p. 59
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Drosophila as a model system for molecular analysis of tumorigenesis
Mechler-BM; Strand-D; Kalmes A; Merz-R; Schmidt-M; Torok-I
p. 63
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Genetic analysis of the K-rev-1 transformation-suppressor gene
Kitayama-H; Matsuzaki-T; Sugimoto-Y; Ikawa-Y; Noda-M
p. 73
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Molecular and functional analysis of tumor-suppressor genes by transfection
Schafer-R; Iyer-J; Iten-E; Nirkko AC; Balmer-J; Klemenz-R
p. 79
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Functional in vitro assays for the isolation of cell transformation effector and suppressor genes
Zarbl-H; Kho-CJ; Boylan-MO; Van Amsterdam-J; Sullivan-RC; Hoemann-CD; Afshani-VL
p. 83
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Molecular determinants of metastatic transformation
Egan-SE; Wright-JA; Greenberg AH
p. 91
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Mechanisms of oncogene cooperation: activation and inactivation of a growth antagonist
Ragozzino-MM; Kuo A; DeGregori-J; Kohl-N; Ruley-HE
p. 97
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Identification of genes associated with tumor suppression in Syrian hamster embryo cells
Wiseman-RW; Montgomery-JC; Hosoi-J; Hou-EW; Cochran-CJ; Lamb-PW; Barrett-JC
p. 105
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Gene regulation and genetic susceptibility to neoplastic transformation: AP-1 and p80 expression in JB6 cells
Bernstein-LR; Ben-Ari-ET; Simek-SL; Colburn-NH
p. 111
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Chromosomal localization of putative tumor-suppressor genes in several human cancers
Yokota-J; Sugimura-T; Terada-M
p. 121
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Frequency and spectrum of mutations at codons 12 and 13 of the c-K-ras gene in human tumors
Capella-G; Cronauer-Mitra-S; Pienado-MA; Perucho-M
p. 125
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Oncogenes and tumor-suppressor genes
Lehman-TA; Reddel-R; Peiifer AM; Spillare-E; Kaighn-ME; Weston A; Gerwin-BI; Harris-CC
p. 133
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Activation of proto-oncogenes in human and mouse lung tumors
Reynolds-SH; Anderson-MW
p. 145
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Genetic studies on lung tumor susceptibility and histogenesis in mice
Malkinson AM
p. 149
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Genetic regulation of mammary carcinogenesis in the rat by susceptibility and suppressor genes
Gould-MN; Zhang-R
p. 161
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Loss of amplified genes by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase inhibitors
Nagao-M; Nakayasu-M; Aonuma-S; Shima-H; Sugimura-T
p. 169
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Nonmutagenic mechanisms in carcinogenesis: role of protein kinase C in signal transduction and growth control
p. 175
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Biochemical markers associated with the stages of promotion and progression during hepatocarcinogenesis in the rat
Pitot-HC; Dragan-Y; Sargent-L; Xu-YH
p. 181
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Aberrant expression and function of gap junctions during carcinogenesis
p. 191
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Is there a critical target gene for the first step in carcinogenesis?
Kennedy AR
p. 199
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An overview of peroxisome proliferator-induced hepatocarcinogenesis
Rao-MS; Reddy-JK
p. 205
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Mechanisms of action of okadaic acid class tumor promoters on mouse skin
Fujiki-H; Suganuma-M; Yoshizawa-S; Nishiwaki-S; Winyar-B; Sugimura-T
p. 211
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Skeletal concentrations of lead, cadmium, zinc, and silver in ancient North American Pecos Indians
Ericson-JE; Smith-DR; Flegal AR
p. 217
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Ultrastructural immunohistochemical localization of Clara cell secretory protein in pulmonary epithelium of rabbits
Patton-SE; Gupta-RP; Nishio-S; Eddy-EM; Jetten AM; Plopper-CG; Nettesheim-P; Hook-GE
p. 225
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Target organs in chronic bioassays of 533 chemical carcinogens
Gold-LS; Slone-TH; Manley-NB; Bernstein-L
p. 233
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Chemicals associated with site-specific neoplasia in 1394 long-term carcinogenesis experiments in laboratory rodents [published erratum appears in 1991 Nov;95: 213]
Huff-J; Cirvello-J; Haseman-J; Bucher-J
p. 247
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Sequential measurements of bone lead content by L X-ray fluorescence in CaNa2EDTA-treated lead-toxic children
Rosen-JF; Markowitz-ME; Bijur-PE; Jenks-ST; Wielopolski-L; Kalef-Ezra-JA; Slatkin-DN
p. 271
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