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Database Overview

The NCBI Probe Database is a public registry of nucleic acid reagents designed for use in a wide variety of biomedical research applications, together with information on reagent distributors, probe effectiveness, and computed sequence similarities.

Basic, well-illustrated tutorials are available by clicking on the links listed on the left-hand bar throughout the Probe Database. These short descriptions of different probe technologies, their uses in research and medicine, and brief synopses of large-scale projects based on probe-generated data are in the public domain for users to download and distribute freely.

We welcome your feedback on the NCBI Probe Database. For comment and questions please contact:

 siRNA  siRNA pool  DNA-based RNAi
 dsRNA  esiRNA  morpholino
 microarray  Illumina bead array  Affymetrix SSO
 Perlegen Tiled microarray  Perlegen Ling-Range PCR  TaqMan RT-PCR
 VariantSEQr RSA  Circularization probes  Simple Sequence Repeats (SSR)

Questions or Comments?
E-mail the NCBI Service Desk

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