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Volume 31(11);  June 1, 2003
Structural variations and stabilising modifications of synthetic siRNAs in mammalian cells
Frank Czauderna, Melanie Fechtner, Sibylle Dames, Hüseyin Aygün, Anke Klippel, Gijsbertus J. Pronk, Klaus Giese, and Jörg Kaufmann
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2705–2716.
PMCID: PMC156727
Insight into the mechanism of the peptide-based gene delivery system MPG: implications for delivery of siRNA into mammalian cells
Federica Simeoni, May C. Morris, Frederic Heitz, and Gilles Divita
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2717–2724.
PMCID: PMC156720
Syntheses and structural studies of calix[4]arene–nucleoside and calix[4]arene–oligonucleotide hybrids
Su Jeong Kim and Byeang Hyean Kim
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2725–2734.
PMCID: PMC156725
Transcriptional regulation of the human MIP-1α promoter by RUNX1 and MOZ
Claire A. P. Bristow and Paul Shore
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2735–2744.
PMCID: PMC156734
Effect of DNA bases and backbone on σ70 holoenzyme binding and isomerization using fork junction probes
Mike S. Fenton and Jay D. Gralla
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2745–2750.
PMCID: PMC156733
The phage T4 restriction endoribonuclease RegB: a cyclizing enzyme that requires two histidines to be fully active
Fakhri Saïda, Marc Uzan, and François Bontems
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2751–2758.
PMCID: PMC156712
Steric inhibition of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 Tat-dependent trans-activation in vitro and in cells by oligonucleotides containing 2′-O-methyl G-clamp ribonucleoside analogues
Stephen C. Holmes, Andrey A. Arzumanov, and Michael J. Gait
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2759–2768.
PMCID: PMC156719
Overexpression of FABP7 in Down syndrome fetal brains is associated with PKNOX1 gene-dosage imbalance
Ma Francisca Sánchez-Font, Anna Bosch-Comas, Roser Gonzàlez-Duarte, and Gemma Marfany
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2769–2777.
PMCID: PMC156729
Domain mapping of Escherichia coli RecQ defines the roles of conserved N- and C-terminal regions in the RecQ family
Douglas A. Bernstein and James L. Keck
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2778–2785.
PMCID: PMC156711
UVA-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers form predominantly at thymine–thymine dipyrimidines and correlate with the mutation spectrum in rodent cells
Patrick J. Rochette, Jean-Philippe Therrien, Régen Drouin, Daniel Perdiz, Nathalie Bastien, Elliot A. Drobetsky, and Evelyne Sage
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2786–2794.
PMCID: PMC156735
Faithful expression of a tagged Fugu WT1 protein from a genomic transgene in zebrafish: efficient splicing of pufferfish genes in zebrafish but not mice
Colin G. Miles, Lesley Rankin, Shirley I. Smith, Martina Niksic, Greg Elgar, and Nicholas D. Hastie
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2795–2802.
PMCID: PMC156718
Purification and characterisation of a novel DNA methyltransferase, M.AhdI
Phil Marks, John McGeehan, Geoff Wilson, Neil Errington, and Geoff Kneale
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2803–2810.
PMCID: PMC156732
Using structural motif templates to identify proteins with DNA binding function
Susan Jones, Jonathan A. Barker, Irene Nobeli, and Janet M. Thornton
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2811–2823.
PMCID: PMC156721
Solution structure of the influenza A virus cRNA promoter: implications for differential recognition of viral promoter structures by RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
Chin-Ju Park, Sung-Hun Bae, Mi-Kyung Lee, Gabriele Varani, and Byong-Seok Choi
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2824–2832.
PMCID: PMC156722
SPINE 2: a system for collaborative structural proteomics within a federated database framework
Chern-Sing Goh, Ning Lan, Nathaniel Echols, Shawn M. Douglas, Duncan Milburn, Paul Bertone, Rong Xiao, Li-Chung Ma, Deyou Zheng, Zeba Wunderlich, Tom Acton, Gaetano T. Montelione, and Mark Gerstein
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2833–2838.
PMCID: PMC156730
Integrated functional and bioinformatics approach for the identification and experimental verification of RNA signals: application to HIV-1 INS
Horst Wolff, Ruth Brack-Werner, Markus Neumann, Thomas Werner, and Ralf Schneider
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2839–2851.
PMCID: PMC156724
The role of intercalating residues in chromosomal high-mobility-group protein DNA binding, bending and specificity
Janet Klass, Frank V. Murphy, IV, Susan Fouts, Melissa Serenil, Anita Changela, Jessica Siple, and Mair E. A. Churchill
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2852–2864.
PMCID: PMC156723
Tertiary structure base pairs between D- and TψC-loops of Escherichia coli tRNALeu play important roles in both aminoacylation and editing
Xing Du and En-Duo Wang
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2865–2872.
PMCID: PMC156717
The Drosophila Corto protein interacts with Polycomb-group proteins and the GAGA factor
Juliette Salvaing, Aurore Lopez, Antoine Boivin, Jean S. Deutsch, and Frédérique Peronnet
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2873–2882.
PMCID: PMC156716
Optimisation of the 10–23 DNAzyme–substrate pairing interactions enhanced RNA cleavage activity at purine–cytosine target sites
Murray J. Cairns, Andrew King, and Lun-Quan Sun
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2883–2889.
PMCID: PMC156713
Experimental and computational analysis of transcriptional start sites in the cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus MED4
Jörg Vogel, Ilka M. Axmann, Hanspeter Herzel, and Wolfgang R. Hess
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2890–2899.
PMCID: PMC156731
ZBP-89 represses vimentin gene transcription by interacting with the transcriptional activator, Sp1
Xueping Zhang, Iman H. Diab, and Zendra E. Zehner
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2900–2914.
PMCID: PMC156715
A new member of the MCM protein family encoded by the human MCM8 gene, located contrapodal to GCD10 at chromosome band 20p12.3–13
Edward M. Johnson, Yayoi Kinoshita, and Dianne C. Daniel
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2915–2925.
PMCID: PMC156728
Exploring the repertoire of RNA secondary motifs using graph theory; implications for RNA design
Hin Hark Gan, Samuela Pasquali, and Tamar Schlick
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2926–2943.
PMCID: PMC156709
Specific interactions of distamycin with G-quadruplex DNA
Melanie J. Cocco, L. A. Hanakahi, Michael D. Huber, and Nancy Maizels
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2944–2951.
PMCID: PMC156726
A novel engineered meganuclease induces homologous recombination in yeast and mammalian cells
Jean-Charles Epinat, Sylvain Arnould, Patrick Chames, Pascal Rochaix, Dominique Desfontaines, Clémence Puzin, Amélie Patin, Alexandre Zanghellini, Frédéric Pâques, and Emmanuel Lacroix
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2952–2962.
PMCID: PMC156710
Efficient clustering of large EST data sets on parallel computers
Anantharaman Kalyanaraman, Srinivas Aluru, Suresh Kothari, and Volker Brendel
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): 2963–2974.
PMCID: PMC156714
NAR Methods Online
A novel helper phage that improves phage display selection efficiency by preventing the amplification of phages without recombinant protein
R. Arjen Kramer, Freek Cox, Marieke van der Horst, Sonja van den Oudenrijn, Pieter C. M. Res, Judith Bia, Ton Logtenberg, and John de Kruif
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): e59.
PMCID: PMC156736
Use of a three-color cDNA microarray platform to measure and control support-bound probe for improved data quality and reproducibility
Martin J. Hessner, Xujing Wang, Shehnaz Khan, Lisa Meyer, Michael Schlicht, Jennifer Tackes, Milton W. Datta, Howard J. Jacob, and Soumitra Ghosh
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): e60.
PMCID: PMC156737
Precise determination of mitochondrial DNA copy number in human skeletal and cardiac muscle by a PCR-based assay: lack of change of copy number with age
Francis J. Miller, Franklin L. Rosenfeldt, Chunfang Zhang, Anthony W. Linnane, and Phillip Nagley
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): e61.
PMCID: PMC156738
A novel multiplex quantitative DNA array based PCR (MQDA-PCR) for quantification of transgenic maize in food and feed
Knut Rudi, Ida Rud, and Askild Holck
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): e62.
PMCID: PMC156739
MALDI mass spectrometry analysis of single nucleotide polymorphisms by photocleavage and charge-tagging
Sascha Sauer, Hans Lehrach, and Richard Reinhardt
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): e63.
PMCID: PMC156740
In vitro analysis of nuclear mRNA export using molecular beacons for target detection
Ralph H. Kehlenbach
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): e64.
PMCID: PMC156741
An automated microplate-based method for monitoring DNA strand breaks in plasmids and bacterial artificial chromosomes
Cassandra Rock, Parviz Ayazi Shamlou, and M. Susana Levy
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): e65.
PMCID: PMC156742
Genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms directly from genomic DNA by invasive cleavage reaction on microspheres
Kakuturu V. N. Rao, Priscilla Wilkins Stevens, Jeff G. Hall, Victor Lyamichev, Bruce P. Neri, and David M. Kelso
Nucleic Acids Res. 2003 June 1; 31(11): e66.
PMCID: PMC156743
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