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Volume 26(9);  May 1, 1998
Research Articles
The D arm of tRNATyr is necessary and sufficient for import into Leishmania mitochondria in vitro.
S Mahapatra, S Ghosh, S K Bera, T Ghosh, A Das, and S Adhya
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2037–2041.
PMCID: PMC147535
DNA topoisomerase II sites in the histone H4 gene during the highly synchronous cell cycle of Physarum polycephalum.
V Borde and M Duguet
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2042–2049.
PMCID: PMC147523
Accelerated mRNA decay in conditional mutants of yeast mRNA capping enzyme.
B Schwer, X Mao, and S Shuman
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2050–2057.
PMCID: PMC147543
Phosphorylation of tobacco eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A upon pollen tube germination.
R G op den Camp and C Kuhlemeier
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2058–2062.
PMCID: PMC147526
Cloning and characterization of a human DEAH-box RNA helicase, a functional homolog of fission yeast Cdc28/Prp8.
O Imamura, K Saiki, T Tani, Y Ohshima, M Sugawara, and Y Furuichi
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2063–2068.
PMCID: PMC147520
The pro-oligonucleotide approach: solid phase synthesis and preliminary evaluation of model pro-dodecathymidylates.
G Tosquellas, K Alvarez, C Dell'Aquila, F Morvan, J J Vasseur, J L Imbach, and B Rayner
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2069–2074.
PMCID: PMC147525
Transcription activation by Escherichia coli FNR protein: similarities to, and differences from, the CRP paradigm.
B Li, H Wing, D Lee, H C Wu, and S Busby
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2075–2081.
PMCID: PMC147511
Improving stable transfection efficiency: antioxidants dramatically improve the outgrowth of clones under dominant marker selection.
M Brielmeier, J M Béchet, M H Falk, M Pawlita, A Polack, and G W Bornkamm
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2082–2085.
PMCID: PMC147536
(1,4,7-trimethyl-1,4,7-triazacyclononane)iron (III)-mediated cleavage of DNA: detection of selected protein-DNA interactions.
A Ehmann, D Chafin, K M Lee, and J J Hayes
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2086–2091.
PMCID: PMC147541
Short unligated sticky ends enable the observation of circularised DNA by atomic force and electron microscopies.
B Révet and A Fourcade
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2092–2097.
PMCID: PMC147521
The activation function 2 domain of hepatic nuclear factor 4 is regulated by a short C-terminal proline-rich repressor domain.
V P Iyemere, N H Davies, and G G Brownlee
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2098–2104.
PMCID: PMC147528
Synthesis and RNA polymerase incorporation of the degenerate ribonucleotide analogue rPTP.
K Moriyama, K Negishi, M S Briggs, C L Smith, F Hill, M J Churcher, D M Brown, and D Loakes
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2105–2111.
PMCID: PMC147510
TFIID (TBP) stabilizes the binding of MyoD to its DNA site at the promoter and MyoD facilitates the association of TFIIB with the preinitiation complex.
H Heller and E Bengal
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2112–2119.
PMCID: PMC147529
Repressor titration: a novel system for selection and stable maintenance of recombinant plasmids.
S G Williams, R M Cranenburgh, A M Weiss, C J Wrighton, D J Sherratt, and J A Hanak
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2120–2124.
PMCID: PMC147518
A stimulatory RNA associated with RecBCD enzyme.
S K Amundsen, A F Taylor, and G R Smith
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2125–2131.
PMCID: PMC147532
Structure and regulation of a polymorphic gene encoding folate receptor type gamma/gamma'.
H Wang, J F Ross, and M Ratnam
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2132–2142.
PMCID: PMC147512
DNA binding properties of a chemically synthesized DNA binding domain of hRFX1.
F Cornille, P Emery, W Schüler, C Lenoir, B Mach, B P Roques, and W Reith
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2143–2149.
PMCID: PMC147513
Molecular beacon probes combined with amplification by NASBA enable homogeneous, real-time detection of RNA.
G Leone, H van Schijndel, B van Gemen, F R Kramer, and C D Schoen
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2150–2155.
PMCID: PMC147533
The importance of base pairing in the penultimate stem of Escherichia coli 16S rRNA for ribosomal subunit association.
M A Firpo and A E Dahlberg
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2156–2160.
PMCID: PMC147509
Characterisation of Leishmania telomeres reveals unusual telomeric repeats and conserved telomere-associated sequence.
G Fu and D C Barker
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2161–2167.
PMCID: PMC147527
Coexistence of nuclear DNA-encoded tRNAVal(AAC) and mitochondrial DNA-encoded tRNAVal(UAC) in mitochondria of a liverwort Marchantia polymorpha.
K Akashi, M Takenaka, S Yamaoka, Y Suyama, H Fukuzawa, and K Ohyama
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2168–2172.
PMCID: PMC147542
STAT 5 and NF-Y are involved in expression and growth hormone-mediated sexually dimorphic regulation of cytochrome P450 3A10/lithocholic acid 6beta-hydroxylase.
A Subramanian, J Wang, and G Gil
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2173–2178.
PMCID: PMC147524
Triple helices formed at oligopyrimidine*oligopurine sequences with base pair inversions: effect of a triplex-specific ligand on stability and selectivity.
S Kukreti, J S Sun, D Loakes, D M Brown, C H Nguyen, E Bisagni, T Garestier, and C Helene
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2179–2183.
PMCID: PMC147530
Efficient in vitro repair of 7-hydro-8-oxodeoxyguanosine by human cell extracts: involvement of multiple pathways.
M Jaiswal, L J Lipinski, V A Bohr, and S J Mazur
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2184–2191.
PMCID: PMC147522
Involvement of the 5'-untranslated region in cold-regulated expression of the rbpA1 gene in the cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis M3.
N Sato and A Nakamura
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2192–2199.
PMCID: PMC147538
Structure-function analysis of the trypanosomatid spliced leader RNA.
I Goncharov, Y X Xu, Y Zimmer, K Sherman, and S Michaeli
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2200–2207.
PMCID: PMC147514
Exploratory studies on azole carboxamides as nucleobase analogs: thermal denaturation studies on oligodeoxyribonucleotide duplexes containing pyrrole-3-carboxamide.
P Zhang, W T Johnson, D Klewer, N Paul, G Hoops, V J Davisson, and D E Bergstrom
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2208–2215.
PMCID: PMC147534
Comparative gene expression profiling by oligonucleotide fingerprinting.
S Meier-Ewert, J Lange, H Gerst, R Herwig, A Schmitt, J Freund, T Elge, R Mott, B Herrmann, and H Lehrach
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2216–2223.
PMCID: PMC147517
Advantages of 2'-O-methyl oligoribonucleotide probes for detecting RNA targets.
M Majlessi, N C Nelson, and M M Becker
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2224–2229.
PMCID: PMC147516
Using neural networks for prediction of the subcellular location of proteins.
A Reinhardt and T Hubbard
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2230–2236.
PMCID: PMC147531
The effect of two antipodal fluorine-induced sugar puckers on the conformation and stability of the Dickerson-Drew dodecamer duplex [d(CGCGAATTCGCG)]2.
H Ikeda, R Fernandez, A Wilk, J J Barchi, Jr, X Huang, and V E Marquez
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2237–2244.
PMCID: PMC147537
Transverse formamide gradients as a simple and easy way to optimise DNA single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis.
B Paccoud, J Bourguignon, M Diarra-Mehrpour, J P Martin, and R Sesboüé
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2245–2246.
PMCID: PMC147539
Gel electrophoretic detection of 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine and 7, 8-dihydro-8-oxoadenine via oxidation by Ir (IV).
J G Muller, V Duarte, R P Hickerson, and C J Burrows
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2247–2249.
PMCID: PMC147540
Highly sensitive detection of gene expression of an intronless gene: amplification of mRNA, but not genomic DNA by nucleic acid sequence based amplification (NASBA).
A Heim, I M Grumbach, S Zeuke, and B Top
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2250–2251.
PMCID: PMC147515
A recombination based method to rapidly assess specificity of two-hybrid clones in yeast.
R Petermann, B M Mossier, D N Aryee, and H Kovar
Nucleic Acids Res. 1998 May 1; 26(9): 2252–2253.
PMCID: PMC147519
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