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Volume 2(3);  March 1975
Binding of lactose repressor to poly d(A-T): OD and CD melting of the complex
R. Clement and M.P. Daune
Nucleic Acids Res. 1975 March; 2(3): 303–318.
PMCID: PMC342837
Determination of the 3' terminal nucleotide of DNA fragments
Kenneth Olson and Clifford Harvey
Nucleic Acids Res. 1975 March; 2(3): 319–325.
PMCID: PMC342838
On the statistical significance of primary structural features found in DNA-protein interaction sites
Gene Dykes, Robert Bambara, Kenneth Marians, and Ray Wu
Nucleic Acids Res. 1975 March; 2(3): 327–345.
PMCID: PMC342839
The biological activity of bacteriophage DNA, prepared by the cationic detergent dilution technique
Gerhard Seibert and Rudolf K. Zahn
Nucleic Acids Res. 1975 March; 2(3): 347–351.
PMCID: PMC342840
Protonated polynucleotide structures. 16. Thermodynamics of the melting of the acid form of polycytidylic acid
Wilhelm Guschlbauer
Nucleic Acids Res. 1975 March; 2(3): 353–360.
PMCID: PMC342841
Photo-induced cross-linkage of gene-5 protein and bacteriophage fd DNA+
Eric Anderson, Yasutsuga Nakashima, and William Konigsberg
Nucleic Acids Res. 1975 March; 2(3): 361–371.
PMCID: PMC342842
The secondary structure of E. coli ribosomes and ribosomal RNA's: a spectrophotometric approach
A. Araco, M. Belli, C. Giorgi, and G. Onori
Nucleic Acids Res. 1975 March; 2(3): 373–381.
PMCID: PMC342843
Size fractionation of double-stranded DNA by precipitation with polyethylene glycol
John T. Lis and Robert Schleif
Nucleic Acids Res. 1975 March; 2(3): 383–389.
PMCID: PMC342844
(dA·dT)-dependent inactivation of the DNA template properties by interaction with netropsin and distamycin A
U. Wähnert, Ch. Zimmer, G. Luck, and Ch. Pitra
Nucleic Acids Res. 1975 March; 2(3): 391–404.
PMCID: PMC342845
A model for chromatin sub-structure incorporating symmetry considerations of histone oligomers
J.E. Hyde and I.O. Walker
Nucleic Acids Res. 1975 March; 2(3): 405–421.
PMCID: PMC342846
Preparation and separation of d(pT)10·n oligonucleotides
A.J. Raae, J.R. Lillehaug, R.K. Kleppe, and K. Kleppe
Nucleic Acids Res. 1975 March; 2(3): 423–429.
PMCID: PMC342847
Identification and separation of components of calf thymus DNA using a CsCl-netropsin density gradient
H. Votavová and J. Šponar
Nucleic Acids Res. 1975 March; 2(3): 431–446.
PMCID: PMC342848
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