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1st Annual NIA Postbaccalaureate Poster Day -- Friday, May 2, 2008
Biomedical Research Center, Atrium -- Baltimore, Maryland
"The Scientific Director's Award" Competition
Photo of NIA Intramural Research Program Postbac IRTA Fellows, Poster Day Competition-AwardeesAward Winners (left to right):

Tashalee Brown, Laboratory of Neurosciences, "Autonomic Nervous System Dysfunction in Neurodegenerative Disease"

Parwiz Abrahimi, Laboratory of Clinical Investigation, "Three Fluorophore FRET in Determination of the Molecular Composition of the Voltage-gated Calciuim Channel Complex"

William C. McGuire, Laboratory of Cardiovascular Science, "The Effect of PAK1 on Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Migration, Proliferation, and Survival"

Aleksander Keselman, Laboratory of Neurosciences, "The Immediate Signaling Events that Facilitate Oxidative Cellular Damage"

  • NIA Postbaccalaureate Poster Day - Group Photo
  • NIA Postbaccalaureate Poster Day - Poster Presentations
  • Poster Day - Over forty students participated in the competition, sponsored by the NIA's Office of the Scientific Director, and the Postbaccalaurete Advisory Committee. The competition was designed to recognize the scientific achievements of our postbac fellows. A team of NIA scientists reviewed the posters and assigned scores based on a given critieria. Four winners were chosen based on their overall performance and were awarded "The Scientific Directors Award."
    Photo-Courtesy of Doug Hansen
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    Updated: Thursday July 24, 2008