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Volume 4;  2006
Nuclear receptor regulation gears up another Notch
Borja Belandia and Malcolm G. Parker
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e001. Published online 2006 February 8. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04001.
PMCID: PMC1402210
Nuclear receptor corepressors and PPARγ
Ronald N. Cohen
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e003. Published online 2006 February 8. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04003.
PMCID: PMC1402213
Ligand-induced estrogen receptor α degradation by the proteasome: new actors?
Mathilde Calligé and Hélène Richard-Foy
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e004. Published online 2006 February 8. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04004.
PMCID: PMC1402212
The cell-specific activity of the estrogen receptor α may be fine-tuned by phosphorylation-induced structural gymnastics
Valentina Gburcik and Didier Picard
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e005. Published online 2006 February 8. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04005.
PMCID: PMC1402211
Regulation of progesterone receptor signaling by BRCA1 in mammary cancer
Pragati Katiyar, Yongxian Ma, Saijun Fan, Richard G. Pestell, Priscilla A. Furth, and Eliot M. Rosen
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e006. Published online 2006 April 28. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04006.
PMCID: PMC1472667
Oncogenic conversion of the thyroid hormone receptor by altered nuclear transport
Ghislain M.C. Bonamy and Lizabeth A. Allison
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e008. Published online 2006 April 28. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04008.
PMCID: PMC1472669
The orphan Rev-erb nuclear receptors: a link between metabolism, circadian rhythm and inflammation?
Sathiya N. Ramakrishnan and George E.O. Muscat
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e009. Published online 2006 April 28. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04009.
PMCID: PMC1472670
Integrating nuclear receptor mobility in models of gene regulation
Laurent Gelman, Jerome N. Feige, Cicerone Tudor, Yves Engelborghs, Walter Wahli, and Beatrice Desvergne
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e010. Published online 2006 April 28. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04010.
PMCID: PMC1472671
Characterization of skeletal phenotypes of TRα1PV and TRβPV mutant mice: implications for tissue thyroid status and T3 target gene expression
Patrick J. O'Shea, J.H. Duncan Bassett, Sheue-yann Cheng, and Graham R. Williams
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e011. Published online 2006 July 7. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04011.
PMCID: PMC1513065
The unexpected science of estrogen receptor-β selective agonists: a new class of anti-inflammatory agents?
Heather A. Harris
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e012. Published online 2006 July 7. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04012.
PMCID: PMC1513066
Estrogen signaling in the cardiovascular system
Jin Kyung Kim and Ellis R. Levin
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e013. Published online 2006 July 7. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04013.
PMCID: PMC1513067
A tale of two estrogen receptors (ERs): how differential ER-estrogen responsive element interactions contribute to subtype-specific transcriptional responses
Jing Huang, Xiaodong Li, Tao Qiao, Robert A. Bambara, Russell Hilf, and Mesut Muyan
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e015. Published online 2006 July 7. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04015.
PMCID: PMC1513069
Estrogen receptor and aryl hydrocarbon receptor signaling pathways
Jason Matthews and Jan-Åke Gustafsson
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e016. Published online 2006 July 7. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04016.
PMCID: PMC1513070
Zimp7 and Zimp10, two novel PIAS-like proteins, function as androgen receptor coregulators
Jason Beliakoff and Zijie Sun
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e017. Published online 2006 July 7. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04017.
PMCID: PMC1513071
Hic-5, an adaptor-like nuclear receptor coactivator
Marjet D. Heitzer and Donald B. DeFranco
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e019. Published online 2006 July 7. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04019.
PMCID: PMC1513073
Thyroid hormone mediated changes in gene expression can be initiated by cytosolic action of the thyroid hormone receptor β through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase pathway
Lars C. Moeller, Xia Cao, Alexandra M. Dumitrescu, Hisao Seo, and Samuel Refetoff
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e020. Published online 2006 July 7. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04020.
PMCID: PMC1513074
Corepressor/coactivator paradox: potential constitutive coactivation by corepressor splice variants
Xianwang Meng, Vishnuka D. Arulsundaram, Ahmed F. Yousef, Paul Webb, John D. Baxter, Joe S. Mymryk, and Paul G. Walfish
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e022. Published online 2006 October 30. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04022.
PMCID: PMC1630687
A critique of Women’s Health Initiative Studies (2002-2006)
James H. Clark
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e023. Published online 2006 October 30. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04023.
PMCID: PMC1630688
The NR4A subgroup: immediate early response genes with pleiotropic physiological roles
Megan A. Maxwell and George E.O. Muscat
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e002. Published online 2006 February 8. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04002.
PMCID: PMC1402209
Genome-wide approaches for identification of nuclear receptor target genes
Luz E. Tavera-Mendoza, Sylvie Mader, and John H. White
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e018. Published online 2006 July 7. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04018.
PMCID: PMC1513072
The nuclear receptor transcriptional coregulator RIP140
Patrick Augereau, Eric Badia, Sophie Carascossa, Audrey Castet, Samuel Fritsch, Pierre-Olivier Harmand, Stéphan Jalaguier, and Vincent Cavaillès
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e024. Published online 2006 October 30. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04024.
PMCID: PMC1630689
Application of phosphorylation site-specific antibodies to measure nuclear receptor signaling: characterization of novel phosphoantibodies for estrogen receptor α
Mariam H. Al-Dhaheri and Brian G. Rowan
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e007. Published online 2006 April 28. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04007.
PMCID: PMC1472668
A scoring system for the follow up study of nuclear receptor coactivator complexes
Sang Jun Han, Sung Yun Jung, Anna Malovannaya, Taeil Kim, Rainer B. Lanz, Jun Qin, and Bert W. O’Malley
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e014. Published online 2006 July 7. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04014.
PMCID: PMC1513068
Measuring ligand-dependent and ligand-independent interactions between nuclear receptors and associated proteins using Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer (BRET2)
Kristen L. Koterba and Brian G. Rowan
Nucl Recept Signal. 2006; 4: e021. Published online 2006 July 26. doi: 10.1621/nrs.04021.
PMCID: PMC1555634
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