Download the CC's 1999 Emergency Handbook

To download the handbook, you'll need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer. It's free and available here:

Major changes in this edition of the handbook include:

  "New"  Fire Department and Rescue Squad, 911
CPR Team (code Blue),111
 "New" Police, 911
Engineering, 108
STAT Page Operator, 112

 Use the emergency numbers under the following circumstances:


Dial 911 for NIH Fire and Rescue Squad

  • to report a fire, fire odor, chemical, radiological or biological spill or odor and for medical situations
  • to request immediate medical assistance

Dial 111 for CC Cardiac-Pulmonary Resuscitation Team (Code Blue)

  • to request immediate medical assistance for chest pains, trouble breathing, or other life threatening emergencies

Dial 911 for NIH Police

  • to report a crime in progress or suspicious activity

Dial 108 for Engineering services

  • to report the failure of building equipment and utilities, as well as flooding conditions and problems that may pose an imminent physical hazard or cause loss to buildings, equipment or scientific research

Dial 112 STAT Page Operator

  • to request immediate assistance in locating an individual who is needed for an emergency situation.


Questions about the Emergency Handbook and safety at the Clinical Center? Contact the Safety Officer, Michele Evans, (301) 496-5281 or

For more information about the Clinical Center, contact
CC Communications ( or call (301) 496-2563.

National Institutes of Health, Warren Grant Magnuson Clinical Center, Bethesda, Maryland 20892. 8/99

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