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CEBS Example Workflows

CEBS Development Forum

CEBS version 2 integrates study design, assay data and microarray data. This makes it possible to use data derived from subjects, such as the response to treatment or the treatment itself, to filter microarray data (See [ Example 1. Identify putative gene signatures distinguishing mice exhibiting two different pathology results (  Download Adobe Reader (398KB) | demo (  View Information About ZIP Files (1,996KB) ] and [ Example 2. Compare gene signatures in common with treatments of different chemical stressors impinging on common biological processes (  Download Adobe Reader (50KB) | demo (  View Information About ZIP Files (2,089KB) ]). In addition to microarray data, CEBS holds proteomics data and supports the capability to download gel images, spectra and spot lists (See [ Example 3. Use CEBS to explore proteomics data (  Download Adobe Reader (84KB) | demo (  View Information About ZIP Files (1,888KB) ]). Because CEBS permits the user to analyze microarray data, the CEBS user is not limited to the analysis path taken by the original depositor (See [ Example 4. Identify putative gene signatures distinguishing wild type and susceptible mice exposed to an environmental stressor (  Download Adobe Reader (239KB) | demo (  View Information About ZIP Files (1,870KB) ]). Department of Health & Human Services National Institutes of Health
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Last Reviewed: June 29, 2007