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Data in CEBS

CEBS Development Forum

In CEBS today

  4 studies of mouse
15 studies of rat
1 study of C. elegans
19 studies with microarray data
716 Affymetrix microarrays
900 Agilent microarrays
1773 custom microarrays
1 study with proteomics data
75 2-D gels, protein ID by MALDI and MS/MS
12 studies with histopathology data
612 subjects with pathology results
1710 pathology results
13 studies with in-life observations
664 subjects with in-life observations
2298 in-life observations
11 studies with clinical results
710 subjects with clinical results
8721 clinical results
144 subjects with hematology results
2144 hematology results
136 chemical stressors
4 genetic stressors
4 environmental stressors

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Last Reviewed: June 29, 2007