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National Cancer Institute U.S. National Institutes of Health

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Title: Inclusion of women and minorities in occupational cancer epidemiologic research.
Author: Zahm SH, Pottern LM, Lewis DR, Ward MH, White DW
Journal: J Occup Med 36(8):842-847
Year: 1994
Month: August

Abstract: A survey of published epidemiologic studies from eight journals during 1971 to 1990 was conducted to assess the proportion and characteristics of occupational cancer studies that have included women and minorities. A total of 1233 reports included 562 (46%) with subjects limited to white men. The remaining 671 (54%) had subjects from other race-gender groups. Thirty-five percent included white women, but only 14% presented any analyses of white women specifically and only 7% presented more than five risk estimates. The proportions with analyses of nonwhite women (any = 2%; detailed = 1%) or men (any = 7%; detailed = 3%) were also small. Studies with detailed analyses of women and minorities tended to use weaker methodologies (ie, proportionate mortality or cross-sectional design) than the studies of white men and were less able to provide convincing data on the occupational cancer risks of women and minorities.