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National Cancer Institute U.S. National Institutes of Health

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Title: Biliary tract cancers among textile and other workers in Shanghai, China.
Author: Chow WH, Ji BT, Dosemeci M, McLaughlin JK, Gao YT, Fraumeni JF, Jr.
Journal: Am J Ind Med 30(1):36-40
Year: 1996
Month: July

Abstract: Using occupational data for more than 500 patients with cancers of the biliary tract (CBT) diagnosed between 1980 and 1984 in Shanghai, and employment information from the 1982 census for the Shanghai population, the associations between CBT and occupational categories were examined by standardized incidence ratios (SIR). Compared to the general population, risk was elevated by nearly 40% among textile workers (SIR for women = 137, 95% CI = 106-175 and SIR for men = 137, 95% CI = 76-217), consistent with other investigations linking CBT to textile work. Increased risks were observed also among waiters/ waitresses, male sanitation personnel and chemical workers, and female janitor and similar workers. Although causal inferences cannot be firmly drawn, our findings add to the limited evidence linking CBT to occupational exposures, especially in the textile industry.