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National Cancer Institute U.S. National Institutes of Health

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Title: Familial aggregation and early expression of hyperapobetalipoproteinemia.
Author: Sniderman A, Teng B, Genest J, Cianflone K, Wacholder S, Kwiterovich P, Jr.
Journal: Am J Cardiol 55(4):291-295
Year: 1985
Month: February

Abstract: Family history is an important predictor of coronary risk. However, this relation, in large part, is not explained by the known risk factors such as systemic hypertension or hyperlipidemia. In the present study, plasma lipid, lipoprotein lipid, and plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) apoB levels were measured in 66 offspring (myocardial infarction [MI] offspring) of 24 families in which an index parent had premature coronary artery disease and hyperapobetalipoproteinemia. These results were compared to those obtained in 207 control children and young adults. Univariate analysis revealed that plasma LDL apoB and all other lipid and lipoprotein levels except high-density lipoprotein cholesterol were significantly higher in the MI offspring. Multivariate analysis showed plasma LDL apoB and LDL cholesterol best differentiated the MI offspring from control children and young adults. Of the 66 children, 22 had hyperapobetalipoproteinemia, of whom only 7 had clearly abnormal LDL cholesterol or plasma triglyceride levels. Thus, a substantial portion of children born to a parent with premature coronary artery disease and hyperapobetalipoproteinemia have the same disorder of lipoprotein metabolism.