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Title: Maternal age and primary cesarean section rates: a multivariate analysis.
Author: Martel M, Wacholder S, Lippman A, Brohan J, Hamilton E
Journal: Am J Obstet Gynecol 156(2):305-308
Year: 1987
Month: February

Abstract: To study the effect of maternal age on primary cesarean section rates, 3458 consecutive deliveries were analyzed. The cesarean section rates in primiparous women less than 25, 25 to 34, and over 34 years of age were 13.1%, 18.5%, and 28.2%, respectively. A similarly dramatic rise with advancing maternal age was seen in multiparous women with rates of 3.4%, 4.7%, and 10.1%, respectively, in the three age groups. The strong association between cesarean section and maternal age persisted after multivariate adjustment for induction of labor, epidural anesthesia, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, and fetal distress, and thus these factors do not explain the relationship.