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Play and Learning Station - Parent Communication & Involvement

The success of our program is based on establishing a partnership between our parents and the school staff. Open and frequent communication between parents and teachers will help your child have a positive early learning experience. We hope you will feel free to talk with the director or your child’s teachers when you drop-off or pick-up your child. Please feel free to schedule conferences for longer discussions with your child’s teachers to ensure that additional staff are scheduled for child supervision. While we encourage such communication between our staff and parents on all issues related to their child and classroom activities, we ask that parents not engage staff in conversations regarding school or company policies or other children in the school as staff are expected to keep such matters confidential

In addition, we utilize many other tools to keep you informed about what is happening with your child:

  • Lesson plans that describe the planned activities for the week are posted for parental review.
  • A written description of at least one special activity or even of the day is posted.
  • Parent newsletters describing school activities and upcoming events are regularly distributed.
  • A parent information board containing current information about the school and other topics of general interest to parents is provided.
  • Parent conferences are held annually.
  • Individual conferences may be scheduled at the request of the parents or the director.

Parent resources are available on a variety of parenting topics such as discipline, biting, health, and nutrition. Please check with the director for details on these resources.

Parent participation is a very important part of our program. Your involvement is a valuable part of the teamwork involved in providing the best education possible for your child. If you have a special talent or interest you can share with the staff or children, please let us know. Feel free to come in and observe your child at any time. Your ideas, concerns and comments are always welcome.

We welcome and encourage parents to volunteer and/or join us at special events. Please note that parent volunteers serve solely at the discretion of the school director and must refer all disciplinary or urgent issues to the teacher in charge or school director. If a volunteer is unwilling or unable to follow the school’s policies at any time, the volunteer will not be able to continue participation in the school event or activity.

If your child has experienced an upsetting incident, such as an illness in the family, an extended business trip by a parent, or the relocation of a close friend, please feel free to let us know. If we know what might be motivating a child’s behavior, we can better respond and perhaps even help the child work out worries or concerns through play and creative activities.

We are committed to ensuring your full satisfaction with our school. Experience has demonstrated that open communication between parents and school staff is the key to maintaining a positive relationship. We continually look for parents’ input on how we can improve our programs.

If you have a problem:

  • Discuss the problem with your child’s teacher. We maintain an open door policy in which parents are encouraged to visit their child’s school at any time. Staff will make every effort to be available to discuss parental concerns regarding their child or classroom operations.
  • Discuss the problem with your director. Parental concerns or questions that cannot be resolved or answered by your child’s teacher should be redirected to the director who is fully capable of responding to most issues.
  • Contact your school’s regional director to discuss any problem that has been discussed with the director but has not been resolved to your satisfaction.
  • In rare instances, an issue may arise that cannot be resolved to the mutual satisfaction of the school and the parents. Under such circumstances it may be necessary to disenroll the child. Knowledge Learning Corporation reserves the right to do so at its sole discretion.

As a supplement to daily communications, annual parent surveys are distributed to each or our centers by our corporate headquarters to help us continually improve and refine our program and services as well as ensure that we are responsive to the changing needs of our families. While these surveys serve as a very useful vehicle for communicating parent concerns and comments, they are not intended to replace constant and open communication with the director and staff.