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*NEW* Winter Newsletter Available!
winter newsletterCheck out the winter 2009 issue of Decisions, which contains valuable information about planning a fun and safe prom, implementing prevention strategies, and attending the 2009 SADD National Conference, as well as a Q&A with the SLC. Don’t miss this exciting issue!

Congratulations to Nassau County PACE SADD
This chapter in New York won the SADD Store’s attitudes for living photo contest.


That Great Big Hill of Hope
The progress made in recent years to reduce drug and alcohol use by young people, as well as the hope for continued commitment in the future, is the subject of this new op-ed.


Teens Can’t Cheat Sleep
Liberty Mutual/SADD study shows that teens reporting less than eight hours of sleep are twice as likely to fall asleep at the wheel.


book coverReality Gap – A Perfect Gift
Purchase Stephen Wallace’s new book for family or friends, or to donate to your local library.

dch Partnership With DCH Auto Group
This partnership explores ways to educate teens and their families and enhance teen safety.


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SADD National Student Leadership Council

2009 SADD National Conference

Climbing the Hill

Bethesda North Marriott
July 12-15, 2009

2009 Conference
Join us at the 2009 SADD National Conference in Washington, D.C.! Eager for the details? Want to present a workshop or exhibit? Ready to register? Need fund-raising tips? Check out these links for all the info!
SADD SPEAKs Information

*Deadline extended to March 1st!*
General Conference Information

Call for Workshops
Exhibitor Prospectus
Sponsorship Opportunities
Fund-Raising Tips
Register Now!

Apply for the 2009 SADD National Awards
SADD will recognize the stellar work of some of its most outstanding contributors, chosen from nominations made by SADD representatives across the country.


Win Money for Your Chapter
Develop a youth traffic safety project and enter it in the Act Out Loud contest for a chance to win up to $10,000!


2009-2010 Scholarship Application Available!
SADD is proud to make available seven scholarships to students who demonstrate a commitment to SADD’s mission.


Start a SADD Chapter
Interested in starting up your own SADD chapter?


Fund-raising Ideas for SADD Chapters

Campaign Empowers Youth to Speak Up
SADD has teamed up with the Ad Council on a campaign aimed at preventing distracted driving among teens.

Parent Chronicles
Read about the National Youth Anti-Drug Media Campaign to help parents connect with teens and prevent drug use.



SADD National
255 Main Street
Marlborough, MA 01752
Fax 1-508-481-5759

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