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Requesting Records
OF-11, Section I

Optional Form 11 (OF-11), Reference Request-Federal Records Centers, is completed when requesting records from the federal records center (FRC). You may request an entire accession, certain boxes within an accession, or particular folders within a box. This form is submitted in duplicate, and each request must be on a separate form.

The form is divided into three sections. The first section consists of a description of the records you are requesting. Much of the information necessary to fill out this portion of the form is drawn from the Standard Form 135 (SF-135), Records Transmittal and Receipt. An example of a complete SF-135 is included on this site for your reference. Fill out Section I in the following manner:

Section 1 of Optional Form (OF) 11
Text color is for instructional purposes only.

  1. Under Accession Number, enter the numbers in Items 6(a), 6(b), and 6(c) of the SF-135.
  2. Under Agency Box Number, enter the box or boxes desired. This number can be taken from the box list that accompanied the SF-135. If more than one box is requested, the boxes can be ordered on the same OF-11, provided the boxes are in consecutive order. For example, requesting boxes 3 to 7 of 15 is acceptable, but asking for boxes 1 and 4 of 15 is not. When requesting a range of boxes enter the box numbers as follows: "3-7 of 15." If only folders will be retrieved, enter the box number that contains the folder.
  3. Under Records Center Location Number, enter the location from Item 6(j) of the completed copy of the SF-135 received from the FRC. If the location is changed by the FRC, they will send a National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) Form 13016 (NA Form 13016), Notice of Accession Location Change, with the new location information.
  4. Under Description of Records, briefly identify the record, including number and title. This information can be taken from the box/folder list that accompanied the SF-135. Only one record can be requested per OF-11, unless the records are filed in consecutive order in the same accession and box., i.e., folders 17-22 in box 1 of 17.
  5. Under Remarks, enter "URGENT" if your request qualifies for emergency service and specify same day pickup at the FRC or use of an overnight express courier. FRCs will only accept emergency requests pertaining to audits, congressional inquiries, and Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests.
  6. Under Nature of Service, check one of the following:
    • Furnish Copy of Record(s) Only
    • Permanent Withdrawal - If the records will be altered by substantial additions to or deletions from an accession; if the records are close to the authorized disposal date; or if the records are to be moved elsewhere for storage.
    • Temporary Loan of Record(s) - If the records will be returned to the FRC after they are used.
    • Review

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