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Calculating Final Action Date: Passenger Reimbursement Files

Example 2

Your office has several boxes of hotel reservations, per diem vouchers, transportation requests, travel orders, and other supporting papers documenting official travel. On January 1, 2009, you decide that these materials should be moved out of the office to make space. The documents date from 2001 to 2006.

You locate the records series in the 1500, Travel and Transportation section of NIH Manual Chapter 1743, Keeping and Destroying Records. The records in your office are classified as series 1500-A-2-a, Passenger Reimbursement Files. Their disposition is "Destroy when 6 years old."

Because it is already January 1, 2009, the records from 2001 to 2002 are eligible for destruction. The records from 2003 to 2006 should be transferred to a federal records center (FRC) as a single unit and destroyed after January 1, 2013.

More examples:

  1. Minutes of NIH Advisory Committees
  2. Routine Procurement Files
  3. Subject Files

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