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The Electron Microscopy Facility for the Cell Biology Metabolism and Program (CBMP) is run by Rachid Sougrat under the supervision of Juan Bonifacino. Rachid works extensively with Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, who runs the Section on Organelle Biology in the CBMP.

Some of the current Projects include a Golgi Animation

The Publications and Press Releases sections demonstrate the wide range of microscopy conducted by the facility.

The CBMP Electron Microscopy Facility recently acquired a new Transmission Electron Microscope. Resources for preparing samples can be found in the Techniques area and the resulting images can be found in the Gallery.

Additional Links are provided to assist fellow microscopists.

Please Contact the facility with questions and feedback!

Tomography and volume rendering of the Golgi apparatus

Here are links to the IMOD and Amira User Guides and Installation Instructions used in creating the 3D model below.

The Goal G running team

Added by Jeremy Swan , last edited by Rachid Sougrat on Jan 23, 2009 16:10


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