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National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute:  Diseases and Conditions Index
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The NHLBI developed the Diseases and Conditions Index (DCI) for patients and the public. The DCI contains plain-language health information about diseases, conditions, tests, and procedures related to the heart, lungs, blood, and sleep.

We continue to add new information to the DCI. When complete, the DCI will contain information on more than 300 diseases, conditions, tests, and procedures. Registered users will receive e-mail notices when new information is added.

The DCI provides users with three ways to find information:

  • Search
  • A to Z index
  • Browse by category (heart, lung, blood, and sleep)

The disease and condition articles describe the topic and its causes, risk factors, and symptoms. These articles also discuss how the disease or condition is diagnosed, treated, and managed.

The test and procedure articles describe the topic, who may need the test or procedure, and what to expect before, during, and after. These articles also discuss what the results of the test or procedure may show and whether the test or procedure has risks.

You can view each DCI article two ways: section-by-section or with all sections combined. The section-by-section view shows each section of an article on a separate page. A menu appears on the left side of each page. The menu lists each section of an article and provides a link to it. This allows users to go directly to the section they want.

To view an article with all sections combined, click the “Print All Sections of This Topic” option at the bottom of the article. This option combines all sections into one document for printing, saving, or mailing to a friend.

We developed the DCI mainly for patients and the public. If you are a health professional, we hope that you will recommend the DCI to your patients.

The NHLBI also has information for health professionals. Health professionals may visit the "Clinical Guidelines" and "Health Information" sections on the NHLBI Web site for appropriate information.

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