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November 22, 2005

News Articles

Opportunities and Resources

Advice Corner

New Initiatives

News Articles
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Awaiting Our Appropriation

As is usual this time of year, NIAID is operating under a continuing resolution.

During this time, we're funding a limited number of grants with an interim R01 payline at the 10 percentile. We've put this and other interim paylines online at Paylines and Budget.

Keep in mind that these paylines are provisional and will likely change. There are no budget certainties before we receive our FY 2006 appropriation.

Following NIH budget policy, we are issuing noncompeting awards at up to 80 percent of the FY 2006 funding level in the Notice of Grant Award. After we finalize our budget, we may be able to add monies.

But expect money to be tight in FY 2006. The president's budget calls for flat average award costs compared to last fiscal year.

We'll keep you up to date in the newsletter and on the Paylines and Budget site, posting new information as soon as it comes in.

You can receive an iconEmail Alert for news on final paylines by checking the NIAID Paylines and Budget box in your profile. See next article for details.

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Grantees -- Have You Customized Your Email Alert Profile?

Attention grantees! Don't forget to tailor your Email Alert profile to your areas of interest.

While we have automatically subscribed you to NIAID Funding News, we have not signed you up for anything else.

After you customize your profile, you can get emails on funding opportunities and other news important to you. Change your profile at the iconNIAID Funding Newsand Email Alerts Subscription Center.

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Office of Acquisitions Gives Contracting a New Name

You won't find the word "contract" in "Office of Acquisitions," but NIAID's new contracting office is just that.

As part of NIH's move to centralize services, OA has merged all things procurement -- from PCs to vaccine facilities -- into a single shop.

And as the largest of NIH's seven major service centers, NIAID is managing some of the HHS BioShield Program's contracts in addition to its own.

Aside from the new name, we expect this change to be transparent to you and hope it helps us share expertise and improve services to our colleagues in the research community. Go to the R&D Contracts Web page and the Office of Acquisitions Contact List.

Opportunities and Resources
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September Council Concepts Are Live

Why is this interesting? As the earliest planning stage for initiatives and funding opportunity announcements, concepts can give you a signal of our plans one to two years ahead.

We put all concepts approved by our advisory Council online. Go to our Concepts: Potential Opportunities page.

Keep in mind that Council approval does not guarantee that a concept will become an initiative. This issue is particularly true in a year such as this one with its somber budget outlook.

Sign up for an iconEmail Alert for new concepts by checking the NIAID Concepts -- Potential Funding Opportunities box in your profile.

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Check Out Our New Innovation RFA on Topical Microbicides

A brand new request for applications, Microbicide Innovation (R21/R33) Program, will support the development of topical microbicides against HIV and sexually transmitted infections linked to it.

As part of a broad concept that includes several innovation award programs, this new program will fund novel approaches to advance the field and the microbicide pipeline.

If interested, you'll have to act fast: the receipt date is January 26, 2006.

For other opportunities for AIDS innovation awards, also check out the Council-approved concepts for Phased Innovation Awards in AIDS Vaccine Research and HIV-1 Proteins with Their Cellular Binding Partners.

These programs will support high-risk, innovative projects that can readily transition from exploratory R21 projects into the R33 developmental phase.

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NIH Initiative Promotes Clinical and Translational Science

Under a new Roadmap initiative, academic health centers will become homes for integrated programs in clinical and translational science while working to beef up these disciplines.

NIH plans to make four to seven Institutional Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) in FY 2006 for $30 million total and expects to have 60 awards receiving about $500 million by 2012.

For institutions needing more preparation, NIH also issued Planning Grants for Institutional Clinical and Translational Science Awards.

These awards lay the foundation for submitting a future CTSA application, funding a range of activities including organizational and cultural changes needed to implement a CTSA program. NIH anticipates spending $11.5 million on 50 planning grants in FY 2006.

Applications for both RFAs are due March 27, 2006, for award in the fall.

Advice Corner
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Don't Expect Review Results in the Mail

NIH is no longer mailing your summary statement and will soon stop mailing priority scores after initial peer review. For details, read the September 8, 2005, Guide notice.

To get this important news, go to your eRA Commons account. NIH posts your scores within about five days and your summary statements within eight weeks after review.

If you are a grantee or applicant and have not yet registered with the Commons, you should do so now!

New Initiatives
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DHHS Logo Department of Health and Human Services NIH Logo National Institutes of Health NIAID Logo National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases August 18, 2005
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