Light Lane
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A Bike Line that Rides With You

Design concepts are a dime a dozen, but every once in a while you see one that seems too good not to be real. One example: The Light Lane, which allows any bike rider to project a traffic lane around them. If you've never ridden a ... GO»

Target and Trump: Strange Bedfellows of the Recession
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Target and Trump: Strange Bedfellows of the Recession

Target unveiled its new spring and summer line in the penthouse of a tony high rise overlooking the river. If this doesn't signal the end of the "Reign of the I-Bank Moguls," nothing does. GO»

Next Gen Cloaking Devices Even Better At Hiding

Next Gen Cloaking Devices Even Better At Hiding

The clever chaps at Duke University have been busy beavering away for years to make the sci-fi staple cloaking device a reality, and their recent results mean a real product is closer than ever. They've fabricated a better ... GO»

Why Charles Darwin Still Matters

Nine Experts on Why Darwin Still Matters

On February 12, 1809, little Charles was born. Two hundred years later -- and 150 years after the publication of his landmark treatise "On the Origin of Species" -- scientists, thinkers, and leaders talk about how the evolutionary theorist changed our lives and their work. GO»

Note to CNBC: Pull Jim Goldman Off Apple
APPLE  |  Comment

Note to CNBC: Pull Jim Goldman Off Apple

At CNBC, you can be wrong, wrong and wrong again, and suffer no consequences. At least that's what appears to be the case with the network's Silicon Valley Bureau Chief and professional Apple apologist, Jim Goldman. Case in point: ... GO»

why can't my car do the driving?
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Why Can't My Car Drive While I Take a Nap?

With a dual-city marriage, I spend a lot of time shuttling up and down the East Coast. Trust me: if you've seen the Hartford skyline once, you don't have to stay awake anymore. So why can’t my car do more of the driving so I can ... GO»

NASA's Work with SpaceX Halted by Sour Grapes Protest
ARES  |  Comment

NASA's Work with SpaceX Halted by Sour Grapes Protest

When NASA selected two relatively small, new players in the space launcher game to provide cargo rocket supplies to the ISS during the gap between the Shuttle and Ares programs it represented something of a giant leap for the ... GO»

Touchscreen Cash Register is the Future of Upsell [exclusive video]
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Touchscreen Cash Register is the Future of Upsell [exclusive video]

Cash registers may not be ringing at the mall, but for a few days this week beleaguered retailers could live in a fantasy world where not only would customers line up to buy again, but sales clerks could use a slick touchscreen to ... GO»

peek mobile

$300 Peek Mobile Email for Life - Today Only

Peek's slightly alternative mobile comms device, with its email-only service, has captured much interest since it was launched late last year. But today there is a particularly special offer: For a one-time $300 payment, you can get a ... GO»

palm pre battery life

Will the Palm Pre Be Crippled By Its Battery?

Palm's very promising Pre smartphone looks like it may reuse battery tech from it's older Centro sibling. And while this is probably good news as far as pricing is concerned, the decision has people asking: "is the battery big enough ... GO»

Hudson River Plane Crash

Why Hudson River-Like Plane Crashes Will Happen Again

Yesterday's aircraft crash in the Hudson River may have been miraculous in terms of survivability, and it boosted the standing of Twitter, which got stunning images in circulation before the mainstream media. But its suspected ... GO»

Avi Karnani
ADVICE  |  Comment

Next-Gen Investing

Giants like Fidelity and hot startups such as Thrive are developing new technologies to soothe bewildered investors. GO»

DESIGN  |  Comment

Want to Fight Global Warming? Plant the Right Crops

British researchers are proposing an intriguing idea: That by planting the right kinds of wheat, we can affect how much light is being reflected back into space and thereby counteract global warming. The effect might cool swathes of ... GO»


Blob Architecture's Patron Dies

One of the most influential branches of architecture in the last 15 years is "blobitecture," which produces futuristic (often blob-like) forms using cutting edge technology. One of its patrons, Jan Kaplický just passed. Before ... GO»

philips cinema tv
16:9  |  Comment

Philips 21:9 Cinema TV is so Wide it Barely Fits this Headl

It's hard to get too excited about TVs at the moment: There are so many innovations, from super-slim to OLED, that a new gizmo has to be truly amazing to stand out. And that's something Philips seems to have achieved with its new ... GO»

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