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Part 2. Computer Description

2.1 My computer speed (in Mhz) is
33 18
50-66 22
75-90 14
100-120 17
133+ 29

By today’s standards, many of the computers would be considered slow, since the slowest PC commonly sold currently has a CPU running around 233 MHz. At the beginning of the survey in July 1996, 133 Mhz was a top of the line machine. Although 33 Mhz is the slowest recommended computer, DocView works better in faster computers. The main bottleneck in throughput is usually the printer, rather than the computer. It usually takes about 45 seconds to print a page on a laser printer.


2.2 My computer main memory (in megabytes) is:
8 22
9-12 8
13-16 34
17-24 10
25+ 27

About 22 percent had the minimum-recommended 8 Mb memory in their computers, while the remainder had 16 Mb or more. DocView has been successfully used in computers having only 8 Mb memory, but it is not recommended that the computer have less than this amount of memory.


2.3 My monitor (display) resolution is:
640 x 480 43
800 x 600 21
1024 x 768 23
1152 x 864 4
1280 x 1024 9

A total of 43 percent had the minimum-recommended VGA resolution (640x480). Since DocView displays images, it is desirable to have a fairly high-resolution monitor to avoid having to pan and scroll through the image.