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Mind Over Matter - Teacher's Guide

Mind Over Matter - Teacher's Guide

Steroids Activity One

The student will understand that steroids have a direct effect on the limbic system, which has a large role in the expression of emotions.

Ask students to imagine a time when they experienced, very suddenly, either intense rage or aggressiveness. Those who would like to can share some of these experiences with the class. Reinforce that the limbic system was likely involved in these reactions and that steroid use directly increases the likelihood of such episodes. Mention that neuroscientists have long known about the important role the limbic system plays in emotions and have conducted animal research in which stimulating certain limbic system structures produces a rage reaction in a normally docile animal, while stimulating other structures makes a normally vicious animal calm and relaxed. Have students conduct research using the Internet and other sources to learn more about the role of the limbic system.

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