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Diagnostic Criteria for Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colorectal Cancer and Microsatellite Instability

Workshop Dates

December 11-13, 2002


This workshop will convene experts in the areas of Hereditary Non-polyposis Colorectal Cancer (HNPCC) and Microsatellite Instability (MSI) phenotype. Participants will review, evaluate, and update existing criteria for HNPCC and MSI and provide recommendations to NCI based on new insight into the disease and its manifestations. Participants will discuss, evaluate, and recommend effective strategies for identifying HNPCC mutation carriers, define MSI phenotype in cancer; and evaluate correlations between MSI phenotype and pathological stages of tumor progression and clinical outcome. In addition, they will also discuss methodological and quality control issues for MSI assays, recommend current guidelines for scoring and reproducibility of these assays, and discuss alternate methods of MSI detection. Recommendations on appropriate strategies for evaluating MSI, diagnosing HNPCC, and identifying HNPCC mutation carriers is the overall goal of the meeting.

Co-Sponsored by National Cancer Institute

  • Division of Cancer Prevention
  • Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences
  • Center for Cancer Research

Meeting Materials

Point of Contact

For additional information or questions about this event, please contact the DCP Webmaster.