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Transition Center Courses

Applying Online | Creating Your Federal Resume | Dealing with Transition During Workplace Change |
Interview Preparation Workshop | Is Retirement Right for Me | Managing and Thriving During A-76


Applying Online

Many organizations are now asking job applicants to apply for jobs using an online application. The online applicant assessment system automates the federal hiring process and allows the applicant to review vacancy announcements and answer position-specific questions.

Applying for a job online can be a new experience for many employees. At the Transition Center, we have expertise in navigating the on-line job sites most commonly used by all government agencies. At this seminar you will learn how to create, edit, and archive an electronic resume. Participants will also learn how to properly format an electronic version of their resume.

Duration of time: Three hours-one on one with Career Specialist

Creating Your Federal Resume

It is never too early to start creating your Federal resume

A resume is a written tool to market yourself. Many prospective employers ask for and expect applicants to present one. It should be a brief but sufficient introduction of your experience and abilities.

Resume Tips & Samples

Duration of time: Two hour workshop

Dealing with Transition during Workplace Change

Change is inevitable, but when it happens in the workplace it can often bring frustration, confusion, fear, anger, resentment, and uncertainty. The Career Specialists at the Transition Center have many years of experience helping individuals deal with change in their personal and professional lives. This seminar will provide an opportunity for people to learn about the stages of change and how to deal with some of the major stresses resulting from the A-76 process. Topics will include:

Duration of time: Four hour workshop

Interview Preparation Workshop

Being prepared for an interview is key, and we understand that interviewing for a position can be stressful. In the interview process, the selecting official typically looks for three things and each question is an attempt to determine the candidate's match regarding those three things.

Attend our interactive workshop and learn what constitutes an effective response and what makes one response better than another in the eyes of the interviewer. We will also explore non-verbal communication and the dos and don'ts of an interview.

Duration of time: Three hour workshop

Is Retirment Right For Me

Have you been looking forward to spending more time doing the things you love? Are you uncertain about what retirement has in store for you? If so, join us for a practical and informative seminar:

“What Does Retirement Mean to Me?”

Duration of time: Four hour workshop

Managing and Thriving During A-76

Managing change can be difficult and frustrating. With organizational change comes confusion and unclear goals. Managers often feel that work “ain't what it used to be.”

We know that during change managers must be effective facilitators. They need to communicate with employees frequently and work with circumstances that are not what they'd like them to be!

Our Facilitators have over twenty years experience in both the public and private sector helping managers deal with the complexities of organizational change. Key “talking points” and communication guidelines will help you to understand how people react to change and offer you realistic, practical guidance for communicating with your employees during the A-76 process.

Duration of time: Four hour workshop