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LHNCBC: What's New - Rosalind Franklin Collection Added to Profiles in Science
What's New: Rosalind Franklin Collection Added to Profiles in Science

February, 2007


During 1952, British chemist and crystallographer Rosalind Franklin (1920-1958), working at King's College, took extraordinary X-ray diffraction photos of DNA, attempting to map its molecular structure by mathematically analyzing the diffraction patterns made by the X-rays. One of those photos and one of her unpublished research reports gave James Watson and Francis Crick the essential clues they needed to complete a correct theoretical model of DNA in 1953, a discovery which earned them a Nobel Prize in 1962. Franklin's key contributions to this seminal discovery were not acknowledged at the time, or for many years afterward; Watson and Crick had accessed her data without her knowledge, and she left the King's College lab and DNA work just as they were publishing their model. Just five years later she died of ovarian cancer. Her role in the discovery was largely unknown until Watson caricatured her as "Rosy&qout; in his 1968 memoir The Double Helix.

The Rosalind Franklin Papers are available on NLM's Profiles in Science at The online exhibit features correspondence, draft and published articles, laboratory notebooks, and photographs from the Rosalind Franklin collection at the Churchill Archives Centre at Cambridge University.