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Richard Spencer, Ph.D., M.D., F.A.C.P.

  1. Arons, J. and Spencer, R.G.: Are There Force-Free Fields in Neutron Star Interiors? Astrophysical. J. 220:640-642, 1978.

  2. Spencer, R.G. and Leung, C.M: Infrared Radiation From Dark Globules. Astrophysical J. 222:140-152, 1978.

  3. Uckan, N., Spencer, R.G., and Uckan, T.: Synchrotron Radiation From the Hot Electron Rings in EBT. Oak Ridge National Laboratory Technical Report ORNL/TM-7687. 1-41, 1981.

  4. Spencer, R.G. and Kaufman, A.: Hamiltonian Structure of Two-Fluid Plasma Dynamics. Physical Review A. Rapid Communications. 25:2437-2439, 1982.

  5. Marsden, J., Weinstein, A., Raitu, T., Schmid, R., and Spencer, R.G.: Hamiltonian Systems with Symmetry, Coadjoint Orbits, and Plasma Physics. In Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium on Modern Developments in Analytical Mechanics. 289-340, Turin, Italy, 1982.

  6. Spencer, R.G.: The Hamiltonian Structure of Multi-Species Fluid Electrodynamics. In Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematical Methods in Hydrodynamics. 121-126, M. Tabor and S.Y. Treve (eds.), La Jolla, 1982.

  7. Spencer, R.G. and Schmid, R.: Electrostatic Normal Modes in an Unmagnetized Homogeneous Coulomb Plasma--A Hamiltonian Approach. Physics Letters. 101A:485-490, 1984.

  8. Spencer R.G.: The Poisson Structure of the Equations of Ideal Multi-Species Fluid Electrodynamics. J. Mathematical Physics. 25:2390-2396, 1984.

  9. Spencer R.G.: A Hamiltonian Approach to Normal Mode Coupling in a Coulomb Plasma. J. Mathematical Physics. 27:380-384, 1986.

  10. Spencer, R.G.S., Balschi J.A., Leigh J.S., Jr., and Ingwall, J.S.: ATP Synthesis and Degradation Rates in the Perfused Rat Heart. 31P-Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Double Saturation Transfer measurements. Biophysical J. 54:921-929, 1988. (Erratum to Figure 1: Biophysical J. 55:209, 1989.)

  11. Mulkern, R.V. and Spencer, R.G.S.: Diffusion Imaging with Paired CPMG Sequences. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 6:623-631, 1988.

  12. Mulkern, R.V., Bleier, A., Adzamli, I.K., Spencer, R.G.S., Sandor, T. and Jolesz F.A.: Two-site Exchange Revisited: A New Method for Extracting Exchange Parameters in Biological Systems. Biophysical J. 55:221-232, 1989.

  13. Spencer, R.G.S., Ferretti, J.A., and Weiss, G.H.: NMR Saturation Factors in the Presence of Chemical Exchange. J. Magnetic Resonance. 84:223-235, 1989.

  14. Spencer R.G.S., Halverson K., Auger M., McDermott A., Griffin R.G., and Lansbury P.T., Jr.: An Unusual Peptide Conformation May Precipitate Amyloid Formation in Alzheimer's Disease: Application of Solid-State NMR to the Determination of Protein Secondary Structure. Biochemistry (Accelerated Publications). 30:10382-10387, 1991.

  15. Ok, J.H., Spencer, R.G.S., Bennett, A.E., and Griffin, R.G.: Homonuclear Correlation Spectroscopy in Rotating Solids. Chemical Physics Letters. 197:389-395, 1992.

  16. Spencer, R.G.S., Horsk�, A., Ferretti J.A., and Weiss, G.H.: Spillover and Incomplete Saturation in Kinetic Measurements. J. Magnetic Resonance. 101B:294-296, 1993.

  17. Taitelbaum, H., Ferretti, J.A., Spencer, R.G.S., and Weiss, G.H.: Two-Stage Inversion-Recovery Experiments for Measurements of T1. J. Magnetic Resonance. 105A:59-64, 1993.

  18. Spencer RGS, Fishbein KW, Levitt MH, Griffin RG. Rotational resonance with multiple-pulse sequences in solid state NMR. J Chemical Physics 1994; 100:5533-5543.

  19. Taitelbaum H, Ferretti JA, Spencer RGS, Weiss GH. Optimization of two-stage measurements of T1. J Magnetic Resonance 1994; A109:166-171.

  20. Horská A, Horsky J, Spencer RGS. Measurement of spin-lattice relaxation times in systems undergoing chemical exchange. J Magnetic Resonance 1994; A110:82-89.

  21. Taitelbaum H, Weiss GH, Spencer RGS. Optimization of magnetization transfer experiments for kinetic rate measurements. NMR in Biomedicine 1994; 7:287-292. [Abs]

  22. Blackman MR, Vittone J, Corpas E, Busby-Whitehead J, Stevens T, Bellantoni MF, Rogers M, Stewart K, Tobin J, Spencer R, Harman SM. Effects of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) administration in healthy aging men. In: Blackman MR, Harman SM, Roth J, Shapiro JR, eds. GHRH, GH, and IGF-1: Basic and Clinical Advances. New York: Springer Verlag, 1995; 257-265.

  23. Hamman BL, Bittl JA, Jacobus WE, Allen PD, Spencer RS, Tian R, Ingwall JS. Inhibition of the creatine kinase reaction decreases the contractile reserve of isolated rat hearts. American J Physiology (Heart and Circulatory Physiol 38) 1995; 269: H1030-H1036. [Abs]

  24. Lansbury PT, Costa PR Jr., Griffiths JM, Simon EJ, Auger M, Halverson KJ, Kocisko DA, Hendsch ZS, Ashburn TT, Spencer RGS, Tidor B, Griffin RG. Structural model for the b-amyloid fibril based on interstrand alignment of an antiparallel-sheet comprising a C-terminal peptide. Nature Structural Biology 1995; 2(11):990-998. [Abs]

  25. Shkarin P, Spencer RGS. Direct simulation of spin echoes by summation of isochromats. Concepts in Magnetic Resonance 1996; 8(4):253-268.

  26. Horská A, Spencer RGS. Measurement of spin-lattice relaxation times and kinetic rate constants in rat muscle using progressive partial saturation and steady-state saturation transfer. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 1996; 38:232-240. [Abs]

  27. Katki H, Weiss GH, Kiefer JE, Taitelbaum H, Spencer RGS. Optimization of magnetization transfer experiments to measure first-order rate constants and spin-lattice relaxation times. NMR in Biomedicine 1996; 9:135-139. [Abs]

  28. Blackman MR, Vittone J, Corpas E, Busby-Whitehead J, Stevens T, Stewart K, Tobin J, Rogers M, Bellantoni MF, Roth J, Schwartz A, Smith PL, Spencer RGS, Harman SM. Growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH) effects in healthy elderly men. In: Bercu BB, Walker R, eds. Growth Hormone Secretagogues. New York: Springer Verlag, 1996; 403-413.

  29. Vittone J, Blackman MR, Busby-Whitehead J, Tsiao C, Stewart KJ, Tobin J, Stevens T, Bellantoni MF, Rogers MA, Baumann G, Roth J, Harman SM, Spencer RGS. Effects of single nightly injections of Growth Hormone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH 1-29) in healthy elderly men. Metabolism 1997; 46:89-96. [Abs]

  30. Spencer RGS, Buttrick PM, Ingwall S. Function and bioenergetics in the isolated perfused trained rat heart. American J Physiology (Heart and Circulatory Physiol 41) 1997; 272:H409-H417. [Abs]

  31. Potter K, Spencer RGS, McFarland EW. Magnetic resonance microscopy studies of cation diffusion in cartilage. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1997; 1334: 129-139. [Abs]

  32. Horská A, Spencer RGS. Correctly accounting for rf spillover in saturation transfer experiments: Application to measurement of the creatine kinase reaction rate in human forearm muscle. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology, and Medicine 1997; 5:159-163. [Abs]

  33. Petersen E, Potter K, Butler J, Fishbein KW, Horton W, Spencer RGS, McFarland EW. A bioreactor and probe system for magnetic resonance microimaging and spectroscopy of chondrocytes and neocartilage. International J Imaging Systems and Technology 1997; 8(3):285-292.

  34. Shkarin P., Spencer R.G.S. Improved time domain simulation of fourier imaging by summation of isochromats. International Journal Imaging Systems and Technology, 1997; 8:419-426.

  35. Shkarin P. and Spencer R.G.S. Efficient Simulation of Spin echo, Gradient Echo, Fast, and Ultrafast NMR Imaging Sequences by Isochromat Summation. In Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance: Methods, Materials, Medicine, Biology, Rheology, Geology, Ecology, Hardware, 121-132, P. Blümler, B. Blümlich, R. Botto, and E. Fukushima (eds.), Wiley-VCH Press, Weinheim, 1998.

  36. Potter K., Fishbein K.W., Horton W.E., and Spencer R.G.S. Morphometric Analysis of Cartilage Grown in a Hollow Fiber Bioreactor using NMR Microscopy. In Spatially Resolved Magnetic Resonance: Methods, Materials, Medicine, Biology, Rheology, Geology, Ecology, Hardware, 363-371, P. Blümler, B. Blümlich, R. Botto, and E. Fukushima (eds.), Wiley-VCH Press, Weinheim, 1998.

  37. Shrager R.I., Weiss G.H., and Spencer R.G.S. Optimal Time Spacings for T2 Measurements: Monoexponential and Biexponential Systems. NMR in Biomedicine, 1998; 11: 297-305. [Abs]

  38. Spencer R.G.S., Cox T.S. and Kaplan P.W. Global T wave inversion associated with nonconvulsive status epilepticus. Case Report/Letter to the Editor. Annals of Internal Medicine, 1998; 129(2):163-164. [Abs]

  39. Spencer R.G.S. Comparing individual signal-averaged spectra. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 1998; 40: 327-329. [Abs]

  40. Potter K., Butler J.J., Adams C., Fishbein K.W., McFarland E. W., Horton W.E., and Spencer R.G.S. Cartilage Formation in a Hollow Fiber Bioreactor Studied by Proton Magnetic Resonance Microscopy. Matrix Biology, 1998; 17: 513-523. [Abs]

  41. Spencer R.G.S. (Editor). Advanced Signal Processing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Part 1. International J. Imaging Systems and Technology, 1999; 10: 2.

  42. Horská A., Brant L.J., Ingram D.K., Hansford R.G., Roth G.S., and Spencer R.G.S. Effect of Long-Term Caloric Restriction and Free Exercise on Peripheral Muscle Bioenergetics and Force Development in the Rat. American J. Physiology 1999; 276 (Endocrinology and Metabolism): E766-E773. [Abs]

  43. Spencer R.G.S. (Editor). Advanced Signal Processing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Part 2. International J. Imaging Systems and Technology, 1999; 10:3.

  44. Mouro C., Bondon A., Jung C., Hui Bon Hoa G., De Certaines J.D., Spencer R.G.S. Simonneaux G. Proton NMR Study of the Binary Complex of Cytochrome P450cam and Putidaredoxin: Interaction and Electron Transfer Rate Analysis, 1999, FEBS Letters 455: 302-306. [Abs]

  45. Spencer R.G.S. and Fishbein K.W. Measurement of Spin-lattice Relaxation Times and Concentrations in Systems with Chemical Exchange Using the One-Pulse Sequence: Breakdown of the Ernst Model for Partial Saturation in NMR Spectroscopy. J. Magnetic Resonance 142: 120-135, 2000. [Abs]

  46. Potter K., Butler J., Horton W.E., and Spencer R.G.S. Response of Engineered Cartilage Tissue to Biochemical Agents as Studied by Proton Magnetic Resonance Microscopy. Arthritis and Rheumatism. 43: 1580-1590, 2000. [Abs]

  47. Gowdak L.H.W., Poliakova L., Wang X., Kovesdi I., Fishbein K.W., Zacheo A., Palumbo R., Starino S., Emanueli C., Marrocco-Trischitta M., Lakatta E.G., Anversa P., Spencer R.G.S., Talan M., Capogrossi M.C. Adenovirus-Mediated VEGF121 Gene Transfer Stimulates Angiogenesis in Normoperfused Skeletal Muscle and Preserves Tissue Perfusion After Induction of Ischemia. Circulation 102: 565-571, 2000. [Abs]

  48. Horská A., Fishbein K.W., Fleg J.L., and Spencer R.G.S. The Relationship Between Creatine Kinase Reaction Kinetics and Exercise Intensity in Human Forearm is Unchanged by Age. American Journal of Physiology (Endocrinology and Metabolism) 279(2): E333-E339, 2000. [Abs]

  49. Szayna M., Doyle M.E., Betkey J.A., Holloway H.W., Spencer R.G.S., Grieg N.H., and Egan J.M. Exendin-4 Decelerates Food Intake, Weight Gain, and Fat Deposition in Zucker Rats. Endocrinology 141: 1936-1941, 2000. [Abs]

  50. Petersen E.F., Fishbein K.W., McFarland E.W., Spencer R.G.S. 31P NMR Spectroscopy of Developing Cartilage Produced from Chick Chondrocytes in a Hollow-Fiber Bioreactor. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 44: 367-372, 2000. [Abs]

  51. Velan S.S., Spencer R.G.S., Zweier J.L., and Kuppusamy, P. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Oximetry Mapping (EPROM): Direct Visualization of Oxygen Concentration in Tissue. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 43: 804-809, 2000. [Abs]

  52. Spencer R.G.S., Fishbein K.W., Galban C.J. Pitfalls in the Measurement of Metabolite Concentrations Using the One-Pulse Experiment in in vivo NMR. Commentary on: "On Neglecting Chemical Exchange Effects When Correcting in vivo 31P MRS Data for Partial Saturation". J. Magnetic Resonance 149: 251-257, 2001. [Abs]

  53. Potter K., Kidder L.H., Levin I.W., Lewis E.N., and Spencer R.G.S. Imaging of Collagen and Proteoglycan in Cartilage Sections Using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectral Imaging. Arthritis and Rheumatism 44: 846-855, 2001. [Abs]

  54. Potter K., Landis W.J., and Spencer R.G.S. Histomorphometry of the Embryonic Avian Growth Plate by Proton NMR Microscopy. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 16(6): 1092-1100, 2001. [Abs]

  55. Kyriakides, Z.S., Kremastinos, D.T., Karayannakos, P., Gowdak, L.H.W., Poliakova, L., Wang, X., Lakatta, E.G., Talan, M., Fishbein K.W., Spencer, R.G.S., Kovesdi, I., Zacheo, A., Palumbo, R., Straino, S., Emanueli, C., Marrocco-Trischitta, M., Capogrossi, M.C., and Anversa, P. Estrogen Stimulates Angiogenesis in Normoperfused Skeletal Muscle in Rabbits *Response. Circulation 103(21): e107-e108, 2001.

  56. Fishbein K.W., McConville P., and Spencer R.G.S. The Lever Coil. A Simple, Inexpensive Sensor for Respiratory and Cardiac Motion in MRI Experiments. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 19(6): 881-889, 2001. [Abs]

  57. Ellis S.J., Velayutham M.,Velan S.S., Petersen E., Zweier J.L., Kuppusamy P., and Spencer R.G.S. EPR Oxygen Mapping (EPROM) of Engineered Cartilage Grown in a Hollow Fiber Bioreactor. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 46: 819-826, 2001. [Abs]

  58. Petersen E.F., Spencer R.G.S. and McFarland E.W. Microengineering Neocartilage Scaffolds. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 78: 802-805, 2002. [Abs]

  59. Galban C.J. and Spencer R.G.S. Optimized Pulse Parameters for Reducing Quantitation Errors due to Saturation Factor Changes in Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 156: 161-170, 2002. [Abs]

  60. Zhang Z-J., Huckle J., Francomano C.A., and Spencer R.G.S. The Influence of Pulsed Low Intensity Ultrasound on Matrix Production of Chondrocytes at Different Stages of Differentiation: An Explant Study. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 28: 1547-1553, 2002. [Abs]

  61. Spencer R.G.S. Signal Processing for MRI. Educational Syllabus, MR Physics for Physicists, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2003.

  62. Galban, C.J. and Spencer, R.G.S. Long Repetition Time Experiments for Measurement of Concentrations in Systems with Chemical Exchange and Undergoing Temporal Variation-Comparison of Methods With and Without Correction for Saturation. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 160: 126-130, 2003. [Abs]

  63. Chen C-T., Fishbein K.W., Torzilli P.T., Spencer R.G.S. and Horton W.E. Matrix Fixed Charge Density Determined by Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of Bioreactor-Derived Hyaline Cartilage Correlates with Biochemical and Biomechanical Properties. Arthritis and Rheumatism 48(4):1047-1056, 2003. [Abs]

  64. Petersen E.F., Laouar L., Fishbein K.W., Spencer R.G.S., and Wenz J.F. Ex vivo Magnetic Resonance Microscopy of an Osteochondral Transfer (Case Report). Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging 17: 603-608, 2003. [Abs]

  65. Galban C.J., Ellis S.J., and Spencer R.G.S. Experimental Demonstration of Quantitation Errors in MR Spectroscopy Resulting from Saturation Corrections Under Changing Conditions. Journal of Magnetic Resonance 161: 148-153, 2003. [Abs]

  66. McConville P.M., Fishbein K.W., Lakatta E.G., and Spencer R.G.S. Differences in the Bioenergetic Response of the Isolated Perfused Rat Heart to Selective Beta-1 and Beta-2 Adrenergic Receptor Stimulation. Circulation 107: 2146-2152, 2003. [Abs]

  67. Zhang, Z-J., Huckle J., Francomano C.A., and Spencer R.G.S. The Effects of Pulsed Low-intensity Ultrasound on Chondrocyte Viability, Proliferation and Sox9, Collagen II, Aggrecan and Collagen X Expression. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology 29(11): 1645-1651, 2003. [Abs]

  68. Lin, T., Sandusky, S.B., Xue, H., Fishbein, K.W., Spencer, R.G.S., Rao, M.S., and Francomano, C.A. A central nervous system specific mouse model for Thanatophoric Dysplasia Type II. Human Molecular Genetics. 12(21): 2863-2871, 2003. [Abs]

  69. Zhang, Z-J, Huckle J., and Spencer R.G.S. Recent Progress in the Application of Therapeutic Pulsed Low-Intensity Ultrasound to Bone and Cartilage Lesions. Recent Res. Devel. Physiol. 1:539-548, 2003.

  70. Spencer R.G. Spatial Encoding and Image Reconstruction. Educational Syllabus, MR Physics for Physicists, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2004.

  71. Fishbein K.W., McGowan J.C., Spencer R.G. Magnetic Resonance Equipment and Instrumentation, to appear in: MR Imaging in White Matter Diseases of the Brain and Spinal Cord, Eds. Filippi, DeStefano, Dousset, and McGowan, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 2004.

  72. Zhang Z., McCaffery M., Spencer RG., and Francomano CA. Hyaline cartilage engineered by chondrocytes in pellet culture: histologic, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analysis in comparison with cartilage explants. J.Anat. 205: 229-237, 2004. [Abs]

  73. López de Silanes I., Fan J., Galbán C.J., Spencer R.G., Becker K.G., and Gorospe M. Global analysis of HuR-regulated gene expression in colon cancer systems of reducing complexity. Gene Expr. 12(1): 49-59, 2004. [Abs]

  74. Greco, J.B. and Spencer, R.G. Cartilage Growth in Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Compatible Hollow-Fiber Bioreactors. In: Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering: Principles, Design and Operation, pgs. 135-163, J. Chaudhuri and M. Al-Rubeai (eds.) J Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2005.

  75. Zhang Z., McCaffery M., Spencer R.G. and Francomano C.A. Growth and integration of neocartilage with native cartilage in vitro. J.Orthop. Res. 23(2): 433-439, 2005. [Abs]

  76. McConville P., Spencer R.G., Lakatta E.G. Temporal dynamics of inotropic, chronotropic and metabolic responses during b1- and b2-adrenergic receptor stimulation in the isolated, perfused rat heart. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 289(3): E412-E418, 2005. [Abs]

  77. Doyle M.E., McConville P., Theodorakis M.J., Goetschkes M.M., Bernier M., Spencer R.G., Holloway H.W., Greig N.H., Egan J.M. In vivo biological activity of exendin (1-30). Endocrine. 27(1): 1-9, 2005. [Abs]

  78. Kim M., Bi X., Horton W.E., Jr., Spencer, R.G., and Camacho, N.P. Fourier Transform-Infrared Imaging Spectroscopic (FT-IRIS) analysis of tissue engineered cartilage: histologic and biochemical correlations. J. Biomed. Opt. 10(3): 031105, 2005. [Abs]

  79. Spencer R.G., Fishbein K.W., Cheng A., Mattson M.P. Compatibility of Gd-DTPA perfusion and histologic studies of the brain. Magn. Reson. Imaging. 24(1): 27-31, 2006. [Abs]

  80. Ramaswamy S., Wang, D., Fishbein K.W., Elisseeff J. H. and Spencer R.G. An Analysis of the Integration Between Articular Cartilage and Non-degradable Hydrogel Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials 77(1):144-148, 2006. [Abs]

  81. Canuto H., Fishbein K.W., and Spencer R.G. Tendon and neurovascular bundle displacement in the palm with hand flexion and extension: an MRI and gross anatomy correlative study. J Magnetic Resonance Imaging 23(5):742-746, 2006. [Abs]

  82. Spencer R.G., Calton E.F., and Camacho N.P. Statistical Comparison of Double-Beam Fourier Transform Infrared Spectra. J Biomed. Optics. 11(6):064023, 2006. [Abs]

  83. Baur J.A., Pearson K.J., Price N.L., Jamieson H.A., Lerin C., Kalra A., Prabhu V.V., Allard J.S., Lopez-Lluch G., Lewis K., Pistell P.J., Poosala S., Becker K.G., Boss O., Gwinn D., Wang M., Ramaswamy S., Fishbein K.W., Spencer R.G., Lakatta E.G., Le Couteur D., Shaw R.J., Navas P., Puigserver P., Ingram D.K., de Cabo R., and Sinclair D.A. Resveratrol improves health and survival of mice on a high-calorie diet. Nature. 444(7117):337-342, 2006. [Abs]

  84. Velan S.S., Durst C., Lemleux S.K., Raylman R.R., Sridhar R., Spencer R.G., and Thomas M.A. Investigation of Muscle Lipid Metabolism by Localized One and Two- Dimensional MRS Techniques using a Clinical 3T MRI /MRS Scanner. J Magn Reson Imaging. 25(1):192-199, 2007. [Abs]

  85. Bi X., Yang X., Bostrom M.P.G., Bartusik D., Ramaswamy S., Fishbein K.W., Spencer R.G., and Camacho N.P. Fourier Transform Infrared Imaging and MR Microscopy Studies Detect Compositional and Structural Changes in Cartilage in a Rabbit Model of Osteoarthritis. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 387(5):1601-1612, 2007. [Abs]

  86. Laouar L., Fishbein K., McGann L.E., Horton W.E., Spencer R.G. and Jomha N.M. Cryopreservation of porcine articular cartilage: MRI and biochemical results after different freezing protocols. Cryobiology. 54(1):36-43, 2007. [Abs]

  87. Galban C.J., Ling S.M., Galban C.J., Taub D.D., Gurkan I., Fishbein K.W., and Spencer R.G. Effects of Knee Injection on Skeletal Muscle Metabolism and Contractile Force in Rats. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage. 15(5):550-558, 2007. [Abs]

  88. Galban C.J., and Spencer R.G. Measurement of Spin-Lattice Relaxation Times and Chemical Exchange Rates in Multiple-Site Systems Using Progressive Saturation. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 58(1):8-18, 2007. [Abs]

  89. Fishbein K.W., Canuto H.C., Bajaj P., Camacho N.P., and Spencer R.G. Optimal Methods for the Preservation of Cartilage Samples in MRI and Correlative Biochemical Studies. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 57(5): 866-873, 2007. [Abs]

  90. Fishbein K.W., Gluzband Y.A., Kaku M., Ambia-Sobhan H., Shapses S.A., Yamauchi M., and Spencer R.G. The Effects of Formalin Fixation and Collagen Crosslinking on T2 and Magnetization Transfer in Bovine Nasal Cartilage. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. 57(6):1000-1011, 2007. [Abs]

  91. Velan S.S., Lemleux S.K., Raylman R.R., Boling W., Hobbs G.R., Spencer R.G., Rajogopalan S., Kuppusamy P., and Thomas M.A. Detection of Cerebral Metabolites by Single-Voxel Based PRESS and COSY Techniques at 3T. J Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 26(2):405-409, 2007. [Abs]

  92. Velan S.S., Ramamurthy S., Ainala S., Durst C., Lemieux S.K., Raylman R.R., Spencer R.G., and Thomas M.A. Implementation and Validation of Localized Constant-Time Correlated Spectroscopy (LCT-COSY) on a Clinical 3T MRI Scanner for Investigation of Muscle Metabolism. J Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 26(2):410-417, 2007. [Abs]

  93. McConville, P., Lakatta, E.G., and Spencer, R.G. Greater Glycogen Utilization During b1- than b2-AR Stimulation in the Isolated Perfused Rat Heart. American J. Physiology (Endocrinology and Metabolism). 293(6):E1828-E1835, 2007. [Abs]

  94. Ramaswamy S., Gurkan I., Sharma B., Cascio B., Fishbein K.F., and Spencer R.G. Assessment of Tissue Repair in Full Thickness Chondral Defects in the Rabbit Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Transverse Relaxation Measurements. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials. 86B(2):375-380, 2008. [Abs]

  95. Ramaswamy S., Uluer M., Leen S., Bajaj P., Fishbein, K.W., and Spencer R.G. Non-invasive Assessment of Glycosaminoglycan Production in Injectable Tissue Engineered Cartilage Constructs using Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Tissue Engineering Part C.14(3):243-249, 2008. [Abs]

  96. Velan S.S., Said N., Narasimhan K., Papan C., Bahu A., Vargo J.A., Raylman R., Thomas M.A., Rajendran V.M., Spencer R.G., and Alway S.E. Gender Differences in Musculoskeletal Lipid Metabolism as Assessed by Localized Two-Dimensional Correlation Spectroscopy. Magnetic Resonance Insights. 2:1-6, 2008.

  97. Velan S.S., Said N., Durst C., Frisbee S., Frisbee J., Raylman R.R., Thomas M.A., Rajendran V.M., Spencer R.G., and Alway S.E. Distinct Patterns of Fat Metabolism in Skeletal Muscle of Normal Weight, Overweight, and Obese Humans. American Journal of Physiology, (Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology). 295(4):R1060-R1065, 2008. [Abs]

  98. Reiter D.A., Lin P.-C., Fishbein K.W., and Spencer R.G. Multicomponent T2 Relaxation Analysis in Cartilage. In Press, Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2008.

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