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Individual Partnerships

Graduate students currently enrolled in a Ph.D. training program come to NIH laboratories to enhance their dissertation research by developing an individual partnership.   Many of the individual partnership students come to the NIH because they learned about the various opportunities through existing collaborations between their university mentor and an NIH faculty member.  Other students discover the NIH independently of their university mentor because of the availability of research resources at the NIH.  Currently, we have graduate students in partnerships with more than 100 national and international universities.
Your first step in arranging an individual partnership is to discuss the possibility of performing dissertation research within the NIH Intramural Research Program with your university mentor and department.  You must obtain permission from your department to perform dissertation research at the NIH. 


Your second step is to identify an NIH Investigator willing to host you in his/her laboratory for dissertation research, visit the NIH Faculty section for assistance.  Before you proceed to the final step you must obtain written communication between you and the investigator for dissertation research that indicates an offer of admission has been extended. The GPP will contact all investigators listed within your registration to confirm the offer.


Finally, once items one and two have been completed, you must register with the GPP by completing the following items.  

  • Complete required elements as identified by your department or program chairperson
  • Complete the registration form

There is no registration deadline for the Individual Partnership.