Caution sign Cautionary Notes 2 for Exposure Algorithm

  • Surgery
    • Perform major surgery for life- and limb-threatening injuries within 36-48 hours after high-dose radiation exposure, i.e., before white blood cell and platelet counts begin to decline.
    • With use of cytokines, expect that kinetics of blood cell depletion may be altered and the window for surgery may be extended (See Radiation Effects on Blood Counts).
  • Burn Treatment
    • The percent body surface area affected and the depth of burns as well as the extent of other trauma must be considered when prioritizing care for victims of high dose ionizing radiation exposure.
    • Victims with burns to a significant percent of their body surface area PLUS exposure to high radiation dose (combined injury) will have a much poorer prognosis than those with radiation injury alone or burns alone.
  • Blood Products
    • Transfuse only irradiated and leuko-reduced blood products to patients receiving treatment for Acute Radiation Syndrome.

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