Advances and Emerging Opportunities in Type 1 Diabetes Research: Version 2–For the Scientific Community : NIDDK

Advances and Emerging Opportunities in Type 1 Diabetes Research: Version 2–For the Scientific Community

Version 2 of The Strategic Plan is available in both electronic and print versions.

Electronic Version (PDF): The Type 1 Diabetes Research Strategic Plan is now available in PDF (Adobe Acrobat® Reader for viewing).

  Entire Document (PDF - 4.6 MB, 115 pages)
  Summary and Recommendations Booklet (PDF - 575 kb, 10 pages)

Download by Sections
  Cover and Table of Contents (PDF - 1.0 mb, 7 pages)
  Summary and Recommendations (PDF - 127 kb, pp. 3-7)
  Introduction (PDF - 672 kb, pp. 9-22)
  Goal I: Identify the Genetic and Environmental Causes of Type
  1 Diabetes (PDF - 311 kb, pp. 25-35)
  Goal II: Prevent or Reverse Type 1 Diabetes (PDF - 279 kb, pp. 37-47)
  Goal III: Develop Cell Replacement Therapy (PDF - 1.1 mb, pp. 49-59)
  Goal IV: Prevent or Reduce Hypoglycemia in Type 1
  Diabetes (PDF - 1.0 mb, pp. 61-67)
  Goal V: Prevent or Reverse the Complications of Type 1
  Diabetes (PDF - 1.2 mb, pp. 69-81)
  Goal VI: Attract New Talent and Apply New Technologies to
  Research on Type 1 Diabetes (PDF - 376 kb, pp. 83-94)
  References (PDF - 68 kb, pp. 95-96)
  Appendices and Acknowledgements (PDF - 102 kb, pp. 97-111)

Request a copy of Version 2 on Compact Disc (CD):

I would like to request my CD now. (Please include your name and mailing address with zipcode in the body of email.)

If you would like to request a CD later, contact the National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse at:

National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse
1 Information Way
Bethesda, MD 20892-3560
Phone: 1-800-860-8747
(Please specify that you are requesting "Version 2-For the Scientific Community" and include your name and mailing address with zipcode. Please also include your telephone number and email address in case we have trouble sending your order.)

Page last updated: January 21, 2009

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